Donna Danna (14 Jan 2024)

ChatGPT, AI and the “Image of the Beast” - Christian Evidence
(When I wrote my 1/07/2024 post WILL THE IMAGE OF THE BEAST IN REV. 13 BE A LOOKALIKE TALKING ANDROID THAT LOOKS HUMAN? ( last week the thought had come to me during the week of 12/31. I had not yet read the above article, but decided to see if anyone had a similar thought, and apparently someone did a year ago because I found the above article.  However, at that time I don't think that AI was capable of imitating voice at that time.  

When the author of ChatGPT, AI & The Image of the Beast asked ChatGPT about it, it agreed that it could fulfill the prophecy in regards to the image of the beast, but when asked the same question the next day, it changed its answer.)