Donna Danna (14 Jan 2024)

The bear with 3 ribs in its mouth in Daniel 7:5 depicts the Media-Persian kingdom that conquered the Babylonians, the Lydians & the Egyptians according to the article at What does the beast with three ribs in the mouth represent?  - BibleAsk  
Persia that rose up to rule the Media-Persia kingdom is the raised up side of the bear depicted with the 3 ribs in its mouth. Likewise, the Little Horn of Daniel 7:8 shows the Little Horn, son of a king, who rises up to become a king who plucks up by the roots the 3 countries of Egypt, Libya & Ethiopia (Dan. 11:41-43) and before him they fell (Dan. 7:20). He subdues them so they are under his control (Dan. 7:24.) Since history repeats itself, is it possible that this is an indicator that the future Little Horn is from Iran (Persia)? It's also interesting to note that the bear raised up on its 1 side with 3 ribs in its mouth is the beast of Persia and the beast of Rev. 13:2 has the feet of a bear.
As for the 8th king who will be the beast and the 8th kingdom, Rev. 17:11 says, "And the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven, and goeth into perdition." Some people believe that the beast is the eighth empire or kingdom that will come from the 7th kingdom that was the Ottoman Empire ruled by the Sunni Muslims. However, since this verse says "seven" and not "seventh, "Even HE is the eighth and is of the seven may mean that HE is the eighth king and is of the seven kingdoms of (Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Media-Persia, Greece & Rome, Ottoman Empire, who all had control of Israel at one time). In other words, one of these 7 kingdoms is where he will originate as king after he rises up from being the Little Horn, son of a King or Crown Prince to being a Horn (king).
It is interesting to note that Media-Persia is the 4th kingdom of the 7 kingdoms which is the middle or center kingdom of the 7 kingdoms just like the Lord Jesus Christ is the center of the menorah with 7 candlesticks. And the crown prince of Persia (Iran) as a little horn or son of a king, Reza Pahlavi, a Shia Muslim would have to rise up to become a king and pluck up by the roots the 3 countries of Egypt, Libya & Ethiopia in order to qualify to be the Little Horn Daniel who is the Antichrist of the book of Revelation. It's also interesting to note that the country of Iran (Persia) which is Shia Muslim never was a part of the Ottoman Empire that was Sunni Muslim.