David E (7 Jan 2024)
"Doves Doves Doves 3951"

Revelation 13:18 presents itself as a riddle.  A clue is the triumphant triangle number 666.

The image of the 1318th triangle is 3,951 because the image of the 36th triangle, 666, is 105.

105 = 35+35+35 and the 35th prime is 149.  

Judas Iscariot = 149 when Satan = 55.  The 55th prime is 257, day 257 is 14 9. Barack Hussein Obama = 163.

The 666th prime is 4973 or 3794 backward.

3951-3794 = 157

Day 157 is 6 6, and Revelation is the 66th book.

Sixty-six = 149

157 is the 37th prime

157*37 = 6085 backward, upside down. 6085 is Obama's street address on his birth certificate.

6085 backward upsides down equal 5809 or 1924+1961+1924.  Obama was born at 1924 hours in 1961.

6085 is prime range 793

Barack Hussein Obama = 793 when Barry Soetoro = 1458

Counting Barry to Barack = 666

Born day 216 or 6*6*6 and 216+216 backward = 828

Counting 828 to 666 = 163

Barack Hussein Obama = 163 when Satan = 55, Judas = 55, and Judas Iscariot = 149.

Revelation 13:18 is the 7,782nd NT verse.

The image of the 7782nd triangle is 23,343.

23,343 is the prime range of 2603.

Counting 2603 to 3951 = 1349

1349 hours is 1:49 pm and Judas Iscariot = 149, day 149 and 6*6*6 days remain.

The verse: 13:18 has 125 letters and 159 characters.

15 9 is day 258, and 2:58 pm is 1458 hours.

Barry Soetoro = 1458

Day 125 is 5 5, and 5:5 pm is 17 hours and 5 minutes. 175.

Revelation 13:18 is 175 verses from the end.

Satan = 55

3951 = 1317+1317+1317, and 3951 is the prime range 548.

666-548 = 118

1:18 pm is 1318 hours

The 118th prime is 746 backward.

746 = 373+373, and 373 is the 74th prime

Jesus = 74 when God = 26 and Hell = 37 and Paradise = 73

Then 7 4 is day 185 and 2 6 day 37:  Counting 37 to 185 = 149 or Judas Iscariot.

God * Jesus = 1924

Obama was born on day 216, 149 days remain at 1924 hours in 1961

19 hours and 61 minutes = 2001 hours

2001 9/11 and 37+37+37 days remained

2001*(37+37+37 = the 666th triangle number

Day 216 + 38 days = day 254,  9/11.  163 is the 38th prime.

25 4, so 4 25 then 524 backward and 163+163 backward = 524

The 216th prime is 1321, and 1321 hours is 1:21 pm.  666 is prime range, 121

911+119+191 = 1221

257 the Satan prime?   Genesis 25 7, the 666th verse.

25 7 is 7 25, and 7:25 pm is Obama's first full minute on Earth

The 257th prime =1621

1621 hours is 4:21 pm

4 21 is day 111, and 254 days remain.

3951 - 1621 backwards = 962 backwards.

1961 and 1+961 = 962

Then 1+924 = 529 backward

5 29 is day 149, and 216 days remain

1961-1691 = 72 backward and 72+72+72 is the image of 73rd triangle 37*73 (216)

Counting 612 to 216 = 793 backward

Counting 793 to 793 backward = 793 backward

1961 backward and flipped = 1961

The image of the 793rd triangle is 6,732 backward.

6+732 = 6+66+666

The image of the 163rd triangle is 684 backward.

684 is prime range 421 backward.

4:21 pm is 1621 hours

1621 is the 257th prime

4*21 = 84, 8 4 is day 216

4+21 = 25, and 25+25+25 is the image of the 26th triangle (God)

25+25+25 = 75, and day 75 is 16 3

Then the image of the 74th triangle (Jesus) = 73+73+73 or 3 * Paradise because 3 *  Hell = 111, and day 111 is  4 21, and 4 21 pm is 1621 hours, the Satan prime 257.

73+73+73 = 612 backward and upside down

6 12 is day 163

16 3 is day 75, and 75 is the image of the God triangle 26.

The image of the 55th triangle (Satan)  = 162

16 2 is day 47

Beast = 47 and 1961 + Beast = 2008 election.

162 + 1 = Barack Hussein Obama (163)

It follows  

The image of the 163rd triangle is 162+162+162, and 162 is the image of Satan (55)

162 1  ?   1621, the 257th prime

DNA = 19

The image of 19 is 54, and 54+1 = Satan

 Adam = 19

The image of Eve + Adam = 147

147+1 = 148

185-37 = 148

Day 185 is Independence Day 7 4 (Jesus), and day 37 is 2 6 (God).

Don't twist things up!
