Chance (7 Jan 2024)
"Remember Marburg Virus Disease?"

Hello John and Doves,
I find it very interesting that the U.S. Health and Human Services Department on 121/27/2023 put out a notice on Ebola and Marburg on 11/272023:
Federal Register :: Notice of Declaration Under the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act for Countermeasures Against Ebolavirus and/or Ebola Disease and Marburgvirus and/or Marburg Disease
The HHS Secretary Becerra is extending the PREP Act - adding more liability coverage and he extended the definition of Ebola Disease and Marburg Disease to cover like diseases.  Why?  What's coming?
This is to go into effect on January 1, 2024.  Why now?  (I am highly suspicious of anything the HHS, CDC do when it comes to pathogens.)
Looks like THEY are covering their behinds on this one - the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has issued a "Declaration to provide liability to certain individuals and entities against any claim of loss caused by, arising out of, relating to, or resulting from the manufacture, distribution, administration, or use of medical countermeasures except for claims of "willful misconduct" as defined by the PREP Act....I am extending PREP Act Coverage for both Evolaviruses and Marburgviruses due to the continued national security threat posed by these viruses.  Ebolaviruses and Marburgviruses have the potential to cause significant morbidity and mortality during outbreaks.  The risk of domestic cases is high...Development of and stockpilinig vaccines, therapeutics, devices and diagnostics for all species of both Ebolaviruses and Marburviruses is needed for continued U.S. preparedness against the credible threat of a public health emergency due to outbreaks of these viruses."
(The "covered" persons are manufacturers, distributors, program planners, qualified persons and their officials, agents, and employees, also he included any person authorized to prescribe, administer, deliver, distribute, and dispense countermeasures.")
(The "covered" countermeasures include any antiviral, any drug, any diagnostic, any device, any vaccine or any product or technology used to diagnose, mitigate, prevent, treat, cure or limit the harm of EBOD, MARD or transmission of these or mutation of these.
"I am amending the PREP Act Declaration for Countermeasures Against Marburgvirus and/or Marburg Disease to cover countermeasures previously covered under the Declaration for Ebola Virus Disease Vaccines and the Declaration for Ebola Virus Disease Therapeutics due to the similarities of the viruses and the need to expand Covered Countermeasures against Ebola Disease to include all vaccines, diagnostics, and devices in addition to previously covered vaccines and therapeutics, and to cover the countermeasures when administered or used by an Authority Having Jurisdiction to respond to a declared emergency, in addition to previously covered activities directly supported by the United States."
"Liability immunity is afforded for the administration or use of a Covered Countermeasure without geographic limitation."
He also made amendments to other sections of this declaration:  example - "to update the category of disease to include any diseases or conditions including EBOD (Ebola Disease) and MARD (Marburg Disease) caused by Ebolaviruses and Marburgviruses or any virus or disease subcategories of these or virus mutating therefrom."
The effective time period is from January 1, 2024 to December 28, 2028.  Plus he added an additional year of liability protection to manufacturers and Covered Persons.
This was authorized by Xavier Becerra, Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services.
Guess they learned multiple lessons from "Covid-19" and want to avoid any issues when Marburg hits.

So why is this going into effect January 1, 2024 for Marburg and Ebola Virus whose outbreaks have always been in parts of Africa - NOT the U.S.?
U.S. physicians were warned to watch for Marburg after outbreaks in Africa last year:
CDC warns doctors to watch for Marburg virus amid outbreaks in two African nations | CNN
And the CDC has put out guidelines for physicians, laboratories, etc. for Marburg.:
Guide for Clinicians Evaluating an Ill Person for Marburg Virus
Add this to my other letter today "Vaccine Safety Research Foundation..." and Dr. Bossche (who worked for GAVI) telling us more Covid-19 vaccine deaths are coming...and the Deagle Report and it's prediction of massive depopulation in the U.S. and other Western countries.
And, coincidentally, GAVI putting out an article about the next pandemic:  MARBURG.  "Marburg can kill nine out of ten people it infects...."
The next pandemic: Marburg? | Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance
Marburg virus begins with fever, severe headache and muscle pains.  Often followed by severe diarrhea, stomach pain, vomiting/nausea, extreme exhaustion.  Many people develop severe heamorrahagic fever, with blood in vomit, stools, and bleeding from nose, gums, vagina...most people die 8 to 9 days after infection - primarily due to blood loss.
Covid-19 doesn't progress this way (normally) a little hard to see how this is confused with Marburg - So what is different with THEIR in Guinea Covid-19?  Is that coming here?   Africa is often the 'testing' ground for new biologics. 
 And this is interesting - 
SO WHY IS THE CDC COMPARING COVID-19 WITH MARBURG?  Why Marburg??  Why not with flu or regular pneumonia?  That would make more sense.
The CDC put out this chart comparing Covid-19 and Marburg: 
Is it COVID-19 or Marburg?
The following paper compares Covid-19 and MVD...that the symptoms of the two diseases overlap.  "Since MVD, at an early stage has similar clinical presentations with Covid-19...because there may be an overlap of symptoms between the two viral diseases, causing diagnosis and the treatment of a specific disease entity more complicated.  The report concludes with "Appropriate laboratory diagnosis is necessary to differentiate MVD and Covid-19 cases."
We have Covid-19 'approved' tests.  
I would think that the Republic of Guinea doctors would know how to tell Covid-19 from MVD - but they can't.  Is there something different about their Guinea Covid-19 virus??  Is Guinea THEIR ground zero testing for Covid-19/Marburg virus?
Yet when Covid-19 hit the U.S. not a peep about it looking like Marburg from HHS or CDC.  Interesting.
Covid-19 infections are pretty mild now - NOW being the key word.  Will THEY mutate it to something like in Guinea?  
And there have been numerous highly qualified people reporting on Marburg pathogen and other pathogens that were purposefully put into the Covid-19 mRNA vaccines.  Supposedly to be released by a specific 5G signal/sequence.  Is that still coming?
Is THIS how they will accomplish massive depopulation this year?  A new Covid-19 variant?  Or something to release from the "vaccine"?
It's also interesting that THEY are focusing on Marburg and not Marburg AND Ebola or just Ebola.  I think Marburg is their pathogen of choice.
IF the Deagle Report is indeed prophetic - massive depopulation should start soon. To reach the predicted 2025 depopulation percentages.
Depopulation is the plan of the Great Reset - and THEY sure have put a lot of time and money into this "Covid-19 Agenda".   
I really don't think they are through with 'Covid-19' - they've gotten a lot of mileage out of it and accomplished many of their planned steps to taking over the world.  Is  Covid-19/Marburg the next step?
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!
I wrote several letters last year about Marburg Virus Disease, 5G, the Covid-19 mRNA "vaccine" they are:
Covid-19 Vaccine, 5G Activation, Whistleblower and Marburg Virus Disease - Next Pandemic?