Hello John and Doves,2024 started off pretty 'prophetic' with 2023's wars, a major earthquake on Jan 1 in Japan; the massive solar flare (the largest since 2017 - the year of the Revelation 12 sign) hitting earth on Jan 2, and BRICS adding 5 more countries making their number TEN on January 1. We've been watching for a group of ten nations....ten kings with kingdoms.Yep - 2024 is starting out in a major way fulfilling End Times prophecies. Wars, earthquakes, signs in the sun, and, could this Ten Nation BRICS be the ten nation confederacy the Antichrist rises from - that the leaders of these countries give him their power and strength? Rev 17:12So who will be the Antichrist? Several possibilities have come up: King Charles, Barack Obama, Vladimir Putin, the Islamic Mahdi, Hitler.....I've looked at these five below and then added the prophecies in Daniel and The Revelation plus a few more thoughts...for now.King Charles -There have been several letters about King Charles being a good candidate for the Antichrist position:Lewis' letter 16 Apr 2023:My letter 12 Mar 2023:
King Charles Coronation - The Chrism Oil, and Carl Worline "Identifying the Anti-Christ"
Carl Worline's excellent letter 12 Feb 2023:And we have Prince Charles' speech at the UN Climate Change Conference 2021. He calls for a radical change for the climate crisis. "..we need a vast military style campaign to martial the strength of the global private sector. "With trillions at his disposal, far beyond the global GDP and..beyond the governments of the world's leaders. He offers the only real prospect of achieving fundamental economic transition."
(346) WATCH: Britain's Prince Charles gives statement at COP26 climate summit in Glasgow - YouTuberun time 7:10Who is 'he' that Prince Charles is referring to? Those at this meeting know who 'he' is. Prince Charles knows that this man has money available to him beyond the global GDP. In 2022 the global GDP was $100.56 trillion. Who has access to more money than that??There are calls for King Charles to pass the throne on to Prince William.
King Charles may give up crown to Prince William early following Danish Queen Margrethe abrupt exit: expertDenmark's Queen Margretthe II is abdicating her throne - so her son will now reign. Some think King Charles should do the same to get 'young blood' in the monarchy.Will King Charles step down - and take up 'the climate change crisis' full time and lead the military response to this? Will he become the AC with trillions at his disposal?President Vladimir Putin - he's now has the BRICS chairmanship for 2024. Could he be the Antichrist? Could he be Gog? And there are some who believe that Gog and the AC are one and the same. (Gog is buried in Israel at the end of the Ezekiel War - will he come back to life after his mortal wound then?) Coincidence that Vlad is now chairman of a ten nation alliance?? Putin said that as the BRICS chairman he will "promote all aspects of the BRICS partnership in three key areas, including politics and security, economy and finance, and cultura and humanitarian contacts. Russia also aims to increase the role of the bloc in the international monetary and financial system and to promote settlements in national currencies."
BRICS welcomes new members eyes greater role for global south nations - Gulf TimesBarack Obama -I'll refer you to John Tng's letters on Obama - he's written several amazing letters just this year alone - showing numbers, signs, etc. all connecting Obama to the position of Antichrist.Definitely lots and lots of information presented in these letters. John is certain Obama is the AC - he's been shown so much! Obama is in his third term as president of the U.S. - Biden is his puppet. Obama is seen behind the scenes with U.S. and Israel, U.S. and Ukraine, U.S. and LGBTQ+, U.S. and climate change, etc. He is definitely front and center in the U.S. and the world.Islamic Mahdi -There have been numerous recent letters on the Mahdi as a possible candidate.Donna Danna had a recent letter 31 Dec 2023 - lots of connections noted in her letter
TO EAR: The Beast of Daniel & Revelation Has A Shia or Shiite HeadAnd Donna had recent letters to Gino:
TO GINO: The Shiite Mahdi Is The Antichrist Video
TO GINO: The Islamic Antichrist by Joel Richardson (FREE 320 page PDF)And EAR has an interesting letter 22 Dec 2023:
And my letters 12 Nov 2023:
Will the Antichrist Be the Islamic Mahdi?
Will the Antichrist Be the Islamic Mahdi? Part 2We have 5 Muslim countries now in BRICS - will the Mahdi rise up as the 'little horn'?
Hitler -I've written about Hitler being a possibility before - he definitely could fit 'was of the seven (heads on the beast) so he was alive at one time, is not (he dies), and will be the eighth' (he comes back). And Rev 17:8 says he will "come up out of the Abyss" - which is Hell. So this guy was in Hell - dead - before he comes back as the beast. "The inhabitants of the earth whose names have not been written in the book of life from the creation of the world will be astonished when they see the beast - because it once was (in WW2), now is not (dead) and yet will come (resurrected from a mortal wound). Rev 17:8In Revelation 17:10 we are told that the seven heads on the beast are also seven kings. Or leaders. "Five have fallen, one is, the other has not yet come: but when he does come, he must remain for only a little while." Five evil kings/leaders died before John's time, and Caesar was the sixth king - the one that 'is'. The other, yet to come, is Hitler. He was a leader from 1933 -1945 (Fuhrer of Germany.) He was one of the seven evil kings - then comes back as the eighth. "He was of the seven, and will be the eighth". Rev 17:11 "The beast who once was, and now is not, is an eighth king. He belongs to the seven and is going to his destruction like the other kings. So this beast is the eighth king.Hitler died of a mortal head wound so he's in the Abyss, everyone would recognize him and would be astounded if he came back, his book is still in the top ten in Muslim countries, he has an infamous history involving the genocide of Jewish people, etc.) Rev 17:11The Ten Kings:
So who/what is the Ten Kings (leaders of nations) of Daniel and The Revelation? Many thought it was the E.U. - but they passed ten members years ago. And now, we've got BRICS and suddenly on Jan 1, 2024 - the members number ten! Is that a coincidence with everything else that's going on?I decided to look at what the Bible tells us about these ten nations. There is a section below with the verses.Each nation has a king/leader - and their leaders are referred to as ten horns. John in The Revelation tells us about them. And Daniel tells us about them. They did not exist in John's time according to the angel - they are future. The beast has seven heads (these appear to be major evil rulers - like Caesar and his Empire and Hitler and his Third Reich - with the name 'blasphemy' - these are evil.And the beast has ten horns which the angel says are ten kings (they will rule countries at some future time) Daniel tells us that a smaller horn (John is told the horns are kings) rises up - and three of the original ten horns (kings) are somehow 'removed' (various translations have 'uprooted, 'torn out by the roots', 'plucked up by the roots'. Assassinated? Violent coups? The little horn/king is different from the other kings - Charles is definitely different from other presidents of countries - he's a 'figurehead'. Obama is a former president. Putin is a president now. The Mahdi is the Islamic Messiah - hidden somewhere. HItler is in the Abyss.If BRICS is the ten kingdoms with the ten kings - then BRICS is 'connected' to 'the beast' which has the seven evil kings/empires.So who would the three kings be that are uprooted? We've got the new countries - Egypt, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Iran and Ethiopia (all Muslim) - the old members are Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. Who wouldn't go along with the A.C., with the annihilation of the scarlet prostitute - who is possibly the U.S.? I would guess India, Brazil and South Africa. Those Muslim countries would love to see the U.S. gone - and Russia and China would most certainly love to see the U.S. gone.Revelation and Daniel Concerning the Horns/Kings:"And I stood upon the sand of the sea and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy." Rev 13:2"And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast. So they worshiped the dragon which gave power unto the beast: and they worshiped the beast, saying "Who is like unto the beast? And who is able to make war with him?" Rev 13:3-4In The Revelation we are told about ten horns or ten kings: "And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet; but receive power as kings one hour with the beast. These have one mind, and shall give their power and strength unto the beast." Rev 17:12 - 13The Prophet Daniel told us about a fourth beast "And of the ten horns that were in his head, and of the other which came up and before whom three fell: even of that horn that had eyes and a mouth that spake pompous words, whose appearance was greater than his fellows Rev: 17:20 That "other" horn wages war with the saints and overpowers them."I was considering the horns, and there was another horn, a little one, came up among them and three of the previous horns were plucked out before it.." Dan 7:8The scarlet beast of Revelation 17:3 has the seven heads of blasphemy and the ten horns. A woman - the mother of harlots and abominations - was sitting on this beast. This beast "once was, now is not, and yet will come". Rev 17:8So there is an alliance of ten nations - some other 'king' rises up in their group - and it looks like three of the other kings cause some 'problems' so they are removed from the group.IF the U.S. is the prostitute that rides the beast - the mother of harlots - the AC and the ten horns hate the prostitute and will "make her desolate and naked and will eat her flesh and burn her with fire." Rev 17:16 So, IF these ten kings are BRICS - they certainly do hate the U.S. and wish to destroy the U.S. currency, the U.S. control and power in the world... they may bring the end of the U.S. That would be China, Iran, Russia, at the top of the BRICS list. These are three major enemies of the U.S. all now together in BRICS. Coincidence?Before the prostitutes destruction - a voice from heaven says, "Come out of her my people, so that you will not share in her sins, so that you will not receive of her plagues." This must be right near the end of the Tribulation. Rev 18:4BRICS Today:IF BRICS is the ten nation group in The Revelation - all of the prophecies would need to happen before the other 20 applicants are accepted. "..more than 20 countries have submitted applications to join the group's membership.."
BRICS welcomes new members eyes greater role for global south nations - GulfSo these prophecies would need to happen while there are only ten members.Right now BRICS has a population of 3.5 billion. 45% of the world's population. And it's economy is worth over $28.5 trillion. 28% of the global economyLast fall, BRICS was set to take on six new members in January - instead, only five joined. Is this to be prophetic??
Brics to more than double with admission of six new countries | Brics | The GuardianArgentina was set to join with the five above - but the new president Javier Milei said NO!! Milei was elected November 19, 2023 - just in time to keep BRICS at ten members on January 1, 2024. Coincidence?BRICS definitely needs to be watched for the next member(s) - because IF BRICS is the prophesied ten nation alliance - then there can not be eleven. All of these prophecies will be fulfilled with ten.Just some thoughts for now....Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!Maranatha!Chance