Chance (28 Jan 2024)
"Constitutional Crisis And The U.S. vs Nineveh/Neo-Assyrian Empire"

Hello and John and Doves,
We all know by now about the standoff going on between the Feds and the Texans.  In this letter I wrote about this and the possibility of civil war or secession (TEXIT) and how the U.S. reminds me of the Nineveh/Neo-Assyrian Empire and all the signs and omens and calamities they experienced when Jonah showed up. 
And the Civil War movie has a new release date:  April 12 - four days after April 8, second Great American total solar eclipse. 
The Standoff:
The whole world is watching this as a "constitutional crisis" unfolds.
Warnews247 is reporting that "the "United" States of America has been standing on the precipice of a second civil war as twenty-five of the fifty states have publicly sided with Texas against the "ruthless and illegal handling of illegal immigration by the federal government," as they typically state.  The 25 states supporting Texas began sending air and ground reinforcements to protect the Texas border and prevent possible federal intervention.  Texas Governor Gregg Abbott invoked Article 1 and Article 10, Clause 3 to invoke Texas' constitutional authority to defend and protect his state.  The clause states that state law superseded any federal law to the contrary."
US On The Brink Of Civil War: 25 States Have Activated The Constitution And Deployed The National Guard - Preparing For Battles With Biden's Forces! - WarNews247
RT reported on January 27, "The tensions between the White House and Texas over immigration intensified on Monday when the Supreme Court ruled that the federal government can take down the concertina wire erected by Texas Governor Gregg Abbott to stop illegal border crossings.  Abbott is accusing President Joe Biden of refusing to enforce immigration law and has described the surge of migrants attempting to cross the border as an "invasion".  
Now the Border Patrol is saying they have "no plans to remove infrastructure (wire) placed by Texas along the border."  If they need to "access an area for emergency response, we will do so."  
"In an open letter published on Thursday, 25 Republican governors backed Abbott saying that the federal government had "attacked and sued Texas for stepping up to protect American citizens from historic levels of illegal immigrants, deadly drugs like fentanyl, and terrorists entering the country."
US Border Patrol has ‘no plans’ to remove razor wire installed by Texas – Fox — RT World News
There are lawsuits on going concerning the Supreme Court ruling on the razor wire.
In this very dismal, no-good-news article, we are told about a 'ruling class' that will make sure that Abbott's efforts are null and void.  "The situation has gotten so bad that Americans of all political stripes and demographic categories see it as not merely as crisis, but an invasion.  A Rasmussen Reports poll released this month showed that nearly two-thirds of US voters - including 55% of Democrats agree that the country is under invasion.  But even if Biden allows the Texas border initiative to continue, rather than forcibly breaking it up, the criminals who traffic immigrants to the US will have plenty of soft pathways still available to exploit.  Many of the immigrants detained by Texas troops are reportedly just being turned over to the Border Patrol...The problem is....a distraction from the fact that the border remains wide open, and shifting the consequences around the country isn't a victory.  Confuse, divide, conquer.  Lather, rinse, repeat."
"In any case, Texas has no legal authority to deport the millions of illegal aliens coming across the border of those already in the state....The Texas-Washington DC tensions may be eased if Biden is able to cut a deal with Republican lawmakers to beef up border security.  He's seeking to trade some tough-sounding (but ineffectual) immigration measures to get Republicans to approve more than $60 billion in additional funding for another disastrous Washington project:  the Ukraine proxy war.  The longer-term goal is to finally achieve the ruling-class dream of "comprehensive immigration reform", which basically means amnesty for millions of illegal aliens already here and some fake gestures on border security."
"Law-abiding citizens will continue to suffer the consequences and incur the costs, and their votes will be disenfranchised over time.  Short of armed rebellion or the secession of border states (no chance), the show will go on."
The Texas migrant drama is a distraction: US elites will keep the border wide open — RT World News

What are the possibilities?  This will go nowhere - and Texas will back down with some lame promises from Biden - or there will be armed rebellion or secession of states?   If Texas is 'allowed' to secure their border, Arizona, New Mexico, and California - all Democrat controlled states - have their borders wide-open.  An increase in the immigration, drug trafficking, terrorist crossing, etc. will result there.  Making this illegal immigration debacle an even bigger problem for other states.  But will not change anything...the problems will still escalate just in another area.
Civil war or secession are the only two possible answers for a way out of the tyranny the U.S. is experiencing under Biden, the 'elites', the WEF - and their plans for our country.  They have a strangle hold on us.  (Unless the Rapture occurs and then they can have their dictatorship with little trouble from pesky Christians.)  IF President Trump wins the election - he'll be stalled with the Democrat/RINO House and Senate - and liberal judges will block any EOs they don't like.  Four years of pure grid-lock.  IF we even have elections....
According to this article in warnews247, "...the American media reported that several Officials are studying the "TEXIT", i.e. the secession of Texas and other States that will lead to the change of the U.S. Constitution with the creation of a Confederacy.  Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, addressing the federal government, emphasized that "Texas would never have entered the Union if it knew it could not protect itself."  "The governor of N. Dakota, Noem, repeated that "Texas and the original 13 colonies would never have signed the treaty that formed the first constitution of the United States if they did not believe that their right to protect themselves was secured"!
Abbott said, "The federal government has violated the contract between the United States and the states.  The executive branch of the United States has a constitutional duty to enforce these laws and has in fact violated them.  The result is that it has broken records fro illegal immigration."
"The same was emphasized by the 25 Republican governors of the USA who stand by Texas....Because the Biden administration has abandoned its constitutionally agreed 'compact ' to the states, Texas has every legal justification to protect the sovereignty of our states and our nation."...Their reference to the "compact" they emphasize that Biden violated recalls the language used by the Southern Confederacy before the 1861 - 1865 Civil War."
Deep constitutional crisis in the US: Bombshell with TEXIT and Southern Confederacy - "Biden violated the 'contract'" say the 25 States and sharpen their weapons... - WarNews247
And Newsweek reported that "Russians are sharing their glee on social media over the U.S. border crisis, expressing their support for the Lone Star State to declared independence from the United States."
"The Texas Nationalist Movement (TNM) also known as TEXIT, is the largest organization promoting the state leave the U.S....Per the 1869 U.S. Supreme Court case Texas vs White, all individual states, including Texas, are prohibited from unilaterally deciding to secede from the United States.  It held that the u.S. is "an indestructible union" from which no state can secede."  But the 'de facto' leader of TNM said it could happen "inside of 30 years"."Russians Gleeful over US Border Crisis: 'Texas People's Republic!'
Doubt the U.S. will be here in "30 years".  The whole world is watching this.
Civil War Movie:  NEW RELEASE DATE
If the U.S. is going to 'survive' Biden et al - will this spiral into a civil war?
Maybe that movie Civil War really is 'predictive programming'.  It was set to be released on April 26 - now the date has been upped to April 12, 2024. (four days after the 2024 total solar eclipse)  This movie is about:  "In the near future, a team of journalists travel across the United States during a rapidly escalating civil war that has engulfed the entire nation, struggling to survive during a near-future where the government has become a dystopian dictatorship and partisan extremist militias regularly commit political violence..."
The U.S. and Nineveh/Neo-Assyrian Empire:
After writing my letter about Nineveh and the sign of Jonah - I sure see a lot of similarities between Nineveh/Neo-Assyrian Empire and the U.S. - both great nations, rich beyond comparison, great centers of learning, commerce, and both with much idolatry.  Surely, the 'wickedness of America has also come up before God'.  The Assyrian Empire experienced plagues, famines, earthquakes, civil unrest, revolts and wars, and a total solar eclipse - the famous Bur-Sagal eclipse.  Right when God sent Jonah.  These calamities, signs and omens, pushed the people right into repentance. 
The US has had plagues (Covid and variants and Disease X is coming), record food price increases, the U.S. is involved in wars and is experiencing civil unrest (various protests - pro-Hamas recently), and the possibility of a coming civil war and revolts, and is about to experience a second Great American Eclipse on April 8 (this is a new moon and could possibly be 1 Nisan beginning the next religious Hebrew year)...and in my Doves letter
The Great North American Eclipses And The New Madrid Earthquakes
Will these two total solar eclipses across the U.S., seven years apart, be harbingers of great earthquakes coming this year? Splitting the U.S. in half - 'you divide Israel, I will divide you'.  The ancient people saw all of these calamities as warnings - signs and omens - of coming disaster for their empire.  America is long over due.  We are told to watch for signs in the sun and moon and stars.  Eclipses are definitely signs.  
Unlike Nineveh, in response to Jonah's warning - the U.S. will not repent and turn to God no matter how many signs and omens come.  The U.S. will be divided and fall.   America is not paying attention to God.  
Will the U.S. experience a "TEXIT" like the U.K. "BREXIT"?  Will other states secede with Texas?  This is yet another way to look at 'you divide Israel, I will divide you'.  Of course, civil war would be included.  
The U.S. is still pushing a two state solution but Netanyahu is standing firmly against this.
This is getting ugly and Biden, Blinken, et al are running out of patience with Bibi.  So what will the Biden administration resort to:  assassination?  Rabin was assassinated.  
No love lost for Netanyahu!! THEY want him GONE.
Netanyahu and His Bloody Logic Must Go | RealClearPolitics
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!