Chance (21 Jan 2024)
"Spring Rapture, 2024?  More on the Eclipses, Aleph Tav and Dividing Israel"

Hello John and Doves,
Here's an interesting Youtube video on channel God a Minute with Aaron about the eclipses of 2023, 2024.  Eclipses are signs in the sun and the moon.  They cover three eclipses:  August 21, 2017, October 14, 2023 and April 8, 2024
(364) The Coming King Eclipses & The Hopeful 2023 Rapture - YouTube
run time 1:05:01
In this letter I also wrote about Aleph and Tav (the Hebrew letters made in the crossing of the 3 U.S. eclipses) and on the 1806/1811 eclipses and the following great earthquakes.  And I wrote about Blinken/U.S. pushing for dividing Israel.  This will not bode well for America.
Aaron commented in his video that he sees that April 8, 2024 Great American eclipse "as a Left Behind sign, final judgment call" - coming after the Rapture.  He said this in reference to the constellations and where the eclipse is located.  The eclipse is located on the band that connects the two fish of Pisces - cutting the band that connects them so the fish 'go separate ways'  - he shows this in this youtube also:
(364) The 2024 Eclipses Tell A Story ☀️🌚 - YouTube
run time 4:42
Historically total solar eclipses have been signs of death and misery.  A harbinger of doom. Luis Vega has recent letters about this:
3 GREAT AMERICAN ECLIPSES - Celestial Omens of Judgments
GREAT AMERICAN ECLIPSES - A Call to National Repentance

I have been looking for the start of the Tribulation for years - we know the Rapture comes before the start of the Tribulation.  So if I make a 'guess' for the start of the Tribulation - I'm looking at 10 Nisan of some year - when the prophetic clock stopped when Jesus wept and when the prophetic clock will start again (next date to consider would be Passover).  Hopefully, 2024.  Going with calendars that show April 8 as 1 Nisan, 10 Nisan would be on April 18 or 19.
Using the new moon sighting, April 8 would be too early for 1 Nisan.  The sliver of the new moon wouldn't be visible until April 9 or April 10.  So the eclipse omen would be right before the beginning of the first month of the religious calendar.  That is still a very significant sign.
Moon Phases Calendar for the month of April 2024
Garry B looked at Nisan 2024 in his 7 Jan letter: 
The Hebrew calendars I used last year don't match up with each other this year.  The has Passover on 24 March/25 March.  Weeks before the April 8 eclipse.
The has Passover on April 22/April 23.  The Jerusalem Post lists Jewish holidays for 2024 - Passover is Monday April 22. 
Yet, has Passover starting sundown April 8. Rosh Chodesh Nisan 2024 - Start of month of Nisan on the Hebrew calendar - Hebcal
And has Passover on Apirl 8 sunset to April 9 sunset - 1 Nisan.
April 2024 Calendar – Israel
Oh bother!
So we've got calendars all over the place this year.  Lately I've been using the torahcalendar, but March 24 seems too early. ??  Luis Vega looks at the start of a New Year in his recent Doves letter:
RAPTURE YEAR 2024? - Essene Clock Work
I'll wait and see how things astronomically take place this year, before deciding on a 'correct' calendar. Hmmmm.
The Aleph and Tav of the Eclipses:
In Aaron's above video they talk about the Aleph and Tav represented by the various crossing of the eclipses.  Aleph and Tav are mentioned throughout the Bible.  Alpha and Omega.
Aleph is numerically 1 and Tav is 22 so adding these is 23.  Strong's Hebrew has 23 as "my father has gathered".  That could have Rapture significance.
Strong's Hebrew: 23. אֲבִיאָסָף (Abiasaph) -- "my father has gathered," an Israelite name
Tav means 'mark, sign, omen or seal'.  The Tav of the eclipse is an omen or sign.  A warning to America?
" Aleph Tav herald the Messiah from the beginning to the end of the Bible." "Aleph and Tav noted significantly in the book of Revelation."
My Scripture Studies: Aleph Tav - Herald of Messiah
Aleph Tav - OneDrive
"The first letter of the Hebrew alphabet is Aleph, in its Hebrew root form it literally means "ox" and its basic understanding is "strength."  Tav, the last letter of the Hebrew alphabet, in its root form it means "a covenant sign".  The sign of the cross, the Tav."
So Aleph Tav is "visually the strength of the cross or in meaning the "strength of the covenant".  "
Replacing the Aleph Tav in this verse then, we have:  "In the beginning was (the word) Aleph Tav "The Strength of the Covenant" and Aleph Tav (the word), The Strength of the Covenant" was with God and Aleph Tav (the word), "The Strength of the Covenant" was God."  In the beginning was the Strength of the Covenant and the Strength of the Covenant was with God and the Strength of the Covenant was God.
There is much more in this pdf.
Aleph Tav - OneDrive
The above reminded me of Daniel 9:27.  "And He shall confirm a covenant with many for one week, but in the middle of the week He shall bring an end to sacrifice and offering."
I believe this is about Jesus - the covenant He makes is on the hearts of His people - the house of Israel.  Jeremiah 31:33 - the covenant the Lord puts within and writes on their hearts "and I will be their God and they shall be My people."  The new covenant He confirms with many.  And Jesus was the last Passover lamb (sacrifice) so He ended the need for sacrifice and offering and the Temple curtain was rent in two.  God was no longer separated from His people.
Warnings to America?:
Maybe these eclipses are signs to America of God's covenant with the Jewish people.  A reminder of how important that covenant is to Him.  That He will curse those who curse His land, Israel.  God made a covenant with Abram, "To your offspring I give this land, from the river of Egypt to the great river of Euphrates." Genesis 15:18  In Joel 3:2 we are told that God will gather all the nations and bring them down to the Valley of Jehoshaphat...because they have...divided up my land."  The U.S. should not be trying to divide Israel from the land God gave her.
The U.S. is trying to push Israel into the Two State Solution and divide the land!
I've heard many times over the years - "You divide My land, I will divide your land."  That would certainly fit with judgment on America - the splitting the Mississippi River/New Madrid fault - fulfilling many prophecies that have been made about this over many, many years.
At the Davos meeting this week, "US Secretary Antony Blinken said Wednesday that Israel cannot achieve "genuine security" without a pathway to a Palestinian state...Blinken said the view of leaders in the Arab and Muslim world have changed on Israel and the creation of a Palestinian state would help Israel integrate into the region." "Biden reiterated the need for a "pathway to a Palestinian state."  "You're not going to get the genuine security you need absent that...."  "...Blinken noted that critics in the past have accused the Palestinians of not being ready to accept a two-state solution."  Blinken said, "The question now is, is Israeli society prepared to engage on these questions?  It is prepared to have that mindset?"  Saudi Arabia said there will be no peace for Israel until there is a Palestinian state.  The Saudis see Israel as the 'occupiers' who have oppressed the Palestinian people.
Israel is always the one that has to give in and give up.  My recent letter last year about the Ask Project where Palestinians were asked if they could live next door to an Israeli state if a two-state solution was decided on - they all said NO.  Adamantly NO. The land belongs to them. Israel needs to be gone.

Blinken is just too blind, too stubborn or too stupid to realize this.  The critics of the two state solution are correct - it's the Palestinians that are not willing to accept a two state solution.  So a two state solution will NEVER work.
I think just pushing Israel to divide off the land will push God's hand of judgment against America.

"Big earthquakes, such as the ones that devastated Chile in 2010 and Japan in 2011, are more likely to occur during full and new moons. - the two times each month when tidal stresses are highest."
Moon’s pull can trigger big earthquakes | Nature
Dec 16, 1811 was the first huge quake to hit the New Madrid fault following the two great eclipses 1811 and 1806 that crossed over the New Madrid fault - it was on a new moon - about the time the sliver is visible.
Moon Phases Calendar for the month of December 1811
Here is the eclipse paths over the New Madrid fault seismic zone .
Ninety days after the last solar eclipse of 1811, the New Madrid fault was hit with a huge earthquake - the biggest quakes ever east of the Rockies hit that area from 1811 - 1812.  Thousands of earthquakes continued to shake the area..."and the tremors continued for decades".  The War of 1812 followed these massive quakes.

How a Trio of Hellish Earthquakes Prompted America’s First Disaster Relief Act | HISTORY

These eclipses could also be a sign of the coming Rapture.  That the Father has gathered His people.  Aaron could be right in looking at these eclipses...the one this year, according to his constellation map of the heavens and where the eclipse is located - could be for the Left Behind.

I will be keeping an eye on the quakes around the New Madrid fault line:  Nothing much going on now.
Earthquakes in New Madrid, Missouri, United States - Most Recent
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem~
Looking at some math for possible days to watch:
April 10 new moon sighting plus 1260 = Sept 22, 2027 - The beginning of Shemini Atzeret.
Sept 23 is the fall equinox.  30 days before April 10 is March 11, 2024.  75 days before April 10 is January 26.  That's if something happens on April 10 - the first day of the new moon/religious calendar - using the sighted moon.