Chance (14 Jan 2024)
"The Great North American Eclipses And The New Madrid Earthquakes"

Hello John and Doves,
There will be Great North American total eclipse on April 8, 2024.
Prophecy News Watch has an article titled, "14 Things To Know About The Great American Eclipse of 2024 - of the 14 things I found these very interesting:
5)  "According to the Washington Post, more than 30 million Americans will simply be able to walk outside of their homes and experience the eclipse..."
7)  Once the moon fully blocks the sun, the temperature in the direct path of the eclipse will drop approximately 10 degrees.
8)  This eclipse path will cross the United States on the first day of the year on the Hebrew calendar. On these two calendars - and
29 Adar II sunset (April 8) to 1 Nisan sunset
April 2024 Calendar – Israel
"Rosh Chodesh Nisan for Hebrew Year 5784 begins at sundown on Monday 8, April 2024 and ends at nightfall on Tuesday, 9 April 2024."
Rosh Chodesh Nisan 2024 - Start of month of Nisan on the Hebrew calendar - Hebcal
9)  "If you put the path of the Great American Eclipse of 2024, the path of the "Ring of Fire" solar eclipse of October 14th, 2023 and the path of the Great American Eclipse of 2017 all on on map, they combine to form a giant paleo-Hebrew "Aleph" over America."
10)  "If you just put the path of the Great American Eclipse of 2024 and the path of the Great American Eclipse of 2017 on a map, they combine to form a giant paleo-Hebrew "Tav" over America.  (I'll add that these are SEVEN years apart and this "X" falls over the New Madrid fault zone.)
11)  "The heart of the paleo-Hebrew "Tav" forms a giant "X" that falls over the New Madrid fault zone."
12)  "One of my readers pointed out to me that we have seen a giant "X" like this before.  The path of a solar eclipse that occurred on June 16th, 1806 combined with the path of a solar eclipse that occurred on September 17th, 1811 to also form a giant "X" over the New Madrid fault zone.  (On June 16, 1806 a total solar eclipse crossed North America from Baja California to Massachusetts.  The totality duration was nearly 5 minutes of totality.  On September 17th, 1811 another total eclipse occurred that crossed North America from Alaska, through Canada down into the U.S.   The totality duration was 6 minutes and 51 seconds.)
13)  Three months after the solar eclipse that happened on September 17th, 1811, a series of absolutely enormous earthquakes began to happen on the New Madrid fault.."The New Madrid earthquakes were the biggest earthquakes in American history...and were felt as far away as New York City, Boston, Montreal and Washington, D.C...Church bells rang in Boston.  From December 16, 1811 through March of 1812 there were over 2,000 earthquakes in the central Midwest and between 6,000 - 10,000 earthquakes in the Bootheel of Missouri when New Madrid is located near the junction of the Ohio and Mississippi River...Three of the earthquakes are on the list of America's top earthquakes:  the first one on December 16, 1811, a magnitude of 8.1 on the Richter scale; the second on January 23, 1812 at 7.8; and the third on February 7, 1812, as as much as 8.8 magnitude."
14)  The next total solar eclipse visible from the United States will not happen until 2044, and the path of that total solar eclipse will only touch three states.
14 Things To Know About The Great American Eclipse Of 2024
Jimmy Evans and Dr. Mark Hitchcock discussed the upcoming Great North American Eclipse April 8, 2024, the 2017 eclipse and the New Madrid earthquakes.
Three months before the great New Madrid earthquake in 1811 was the "X" over the New Madrid.  Jesus said there would be signs in the sun, moon and stars.  Genesis 1 said God created the sun, moon, stars for signs and seasons.  When Jesus was born, the Magi found Him via the Star.  It is believed by the Jews that a lunar eclipse is an omen to the Jewish people.  But a solar eclipse is an omen to the world.  We have two solar eclipses making an "X" over America.  The U.S. has divided Israel.  We created the Gaza issue with Israel.  The Biden administration is pressuring Israel to give back Gaza, the West Bank and East Jerusalem - the Two State Solution.  Hurricane Katrina happened 5 days after we forced Israel out of the Gaza Strip.  There is a history of documented national disasters hitting the US when the US has forced Israel to give up land.  Now we have this big "X" coming over America and the US is forcing the Two State Solution on Israel.  SOS Blinken is over there now pushing the Two State Solution.
God does speak through the heavens and through these kinds of events.  Hopefully nothing like this will happen.  Back in 1811/1812, the area was very sparsely populated.  Now it's very populated.  Back then the quakes caused the Mississippi River to flow backwards.
(360) Upcoming Earthquakes, Incoming Asteroids, Wormwood Prophecy & The Rapture | Tipping Point - YouTube
run time 29:47
Blinken was over in the West Bank meeting with Abbas on Wednesday, January 10 - he told Abbas "that the US position was that a Palestinian state must stand alongside Israel".  He met with Israeli officials on Tuesday but they are standing strong on Hamas..."..the refusal of Benjamin Netanyahu, Israel's Prime Minister, to offer detailed public plans for the governance of Gaza when Israel's military offensive ends has angered Washington.  Israel has so far ruled out calls to allow the internationally recognized PA to govern Gaza and the occupied West Bank after the conflict's end - Washington's preferred option - and instead suggested some form of governance involving local power-brokers or clans, with the Israel Defense Forces playing a significant supervisory role."
Blinken restates commitment to Palestinian state on West Bank visit | Israel-Gaza war | The Guardian
Also, when the September 17, 1811 solar eclipse occurred - this happened on Constitution Day.  The day of September 17th is commemorated as the day of the signing of the U.S. Constitution in Philadelphia on September 17, 1787.  Thomas Jefferson "recorded his observations of this eclipse in his weather journal."
"According to Jefferson's observations, the entire event lasted 3 minutes and 34 seconds."
Thomas Jefferson and the 1811 Constitution Day Eclipse | Teaching with the Library
Jefferson, one of the signers of the U.S. Constitution and he experienced and wrote about this total solar eclipse.
Was this a prophetic warning for what was coming in America's future?  Awfully 'coincidental' that this total solar eclipse over America was ON the day the U.S. Constitution was signed in Philadelphia.
The Four Major Earthquakes of 1811 - 1812:
On December 16, 1811 a 7.2 - 8.2 magnitude quake hit northeast Arkansas at 2:15 AM local time.  Modified intensity was observed over a 230,000 square mile area.
On December 16, 1811 a 7.4 magnitude quake hit northeast Arkansas at 8:15 AM local time.  This followed the first quake by 6 hours.
On January 23, 1812 a 7.0 - 8.0 magnitude quake his in the Missouri bootheel at 8:15 AM local time.
On February 7, 1812 a 7.4 - 8.6 magnitude quake hit New Madrid, Missouri at 3:45 AM local time.  The town of New Madrid was destroyed.
Following quakes of note were one on December 17, 1811 of magnitude 7 at 12:00 AM local time.   Another magnitude 7 on February 7, 1812 at 10:40 PM local time.
1811–1812 New Madrid earthquakes - Wikipedia
When Will The Next Major Quake Hit The New Madrid?
Back on November 13, 2023, residents near the New Madrid Fault began "witnessing an unusual seismic pattern, with significant increase in earthquake activity being reported.  The New Madrid Fault, known for its seismic history, has experienced a surge in activity, with four earthquakes occurring in just a few hours and nearly twenty over the past week....While the region is accustomed to occasional seismic activity, the concentration of these events in such a short timeframe is atypical.  In geological terms, such swarms of small earthquakes can sometimes act as precursors to larger seismic events.  However, they more frequently result in a gradual dissipation of energy along fault lines, eventually settling without leading to a major quake."
New Madrid Swarm of Earthquakes Could Be Precursor to Larger Seismic Event Seismologists Say – The Lake Tribune
There have been numerous prophecies over the years of a huge earthquake splitting the U.S. apart at the New Madrid Fault - Mississippi River.  And there are many, many youtubes on this topic:  Here are a couple:

(360) Urgent Warning 9.9 Major Earthquake, USA New Madrid Faultline Dream. Pray, prepare for Rapture. - YouTube

And here's a website where several prophecies are listed.  "Most of the prophetic words connect the earthquake directly to the judgment of God for America's role in pressuring Israel to divide their land." 
Major Earthquake Coming to the Heartland of America | Z3 News
Over the years, I've seen maps of the U.S. drawn out, showing the split down the Mississippi River.
IF April 8 is 1 Nisan - several of us on Doves (like Garry B has many letters on Nisan) have written about 'something' happening on 1 Nisan or 10 Nisan - start of the Gog and Magog War, or the Rapture or the start of the Tribulation or something else big happening....AND we are seeing a LOT of PRESSURE on Israel from the U.S. to accept the Two State Solution.  This will not bode well for America.
Maybe we've been warned!
I'm sure more will come out on this topic as we get closer to April 8 and this second Great American Solar Ecplise.
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!
Using, the number of days from the eclipse on Sept 17, 1811 to the first huge quake December 16, 1811 was 90 days or 3 months of 30 days.  Three prophetic months.  >From April 8, 2024 to July 7, 2024 is 90 days.