Chance (14 Jan 2024)
"Davos 2024 Part 2:  "The Spectre of Donald Trump Hangs Over Davos"

Hello John and Doves,
In my first letter on Davos 2024 I covered who was attending and some of the topics.  This meeting begins on Jan 15.
In this letter, I wrote about the below 2 articles that cover a topic I hadn't thought about:  Donald J. Trump..."there are trillions at stake."  Davos sees an elected Donald Trump as a threat to their global plans.
So what will THEY plan to do with him? 
There is also a link to the 'hot mic' story of reporters laughing about a 'Trump assassination.'
Well - that's one way, and a permanent way, to dispose of their most hated political opponent.  Our present government really is no better than Urine's, Venezuela's or China's.  For political opponents and private citizens.
Reuters reported on this topic in this article dated January 12, 2024. 
Reuters reported that Donald Trump will be the most talked about person in Davos at next week's meetings.   "...his possible return to the White House will pervade Davos discussions on topics ranging from Ukraine, China, trade, and climate change."
"...the spectre of a second Trump administration will loom over many of the panels, bilateral discussions and drinks parties during the week."
Fears over a peace treaty between Russia and Ukraine and withdrawal from NATO:  "European diplomats fear a re-elected Trump would cut off American aid supporting the country's war with Russia and that he may follow through on previous threats to withdraw from the NATO alliance."  Also money for 'rebuilding Ukraine and frozen Russian financial assets' will come into question.
Fears over global trade:  They are afraid President Trump would impose a universal tariff on imported goods, putting America first over their precious "equity for all".  Damaging their Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) agenda for the world.  And President Trump would work to slam the southern border shut and deport illegal immigrants.  There would go their open border policy for the world - other countries would quickly follow suit.
Fears over relations with China:  this 'fear' makes no sense to me - that "Trump's return could revive tensions with the European Union, undermining the Biden administration's efforts to lead allies in taking a tougher stance towards China."  Biden's administration is super weak on China - just look at the US military allowing a CCP spy balloon fly over top secret US military installations and silos and Blinken's meeting with the Chinese in Alaska - they chewed him up and spit him out, to put it mildly.  Joe Biden and many US politicians, businessmen, etc are in China's pocket.  If anyone is strong against China, it's President Trump.  
Fears over combating climate change - President Trump would put up a resistance on this topic as he "formally withdrew the United States from the Paris Agreement in 2020."  President Trump would, yet again, pull us out of the Paris Agreement and all of the climate crisis garbage - restart drilling, dump EVs, build more coal plants, etc.  Reverse Biden's EOs on all of this.
"Amusingly, the former commander-in-chief's name is missing from the WEF's 124-page Global Risk Report, published on Wednesday.  Even so, the prospect of another divisive U.S. election campaign dominated by accusations of "fake news" - and featuring millions of voters who still believe Trump won four years ago - is probably one reason why respondents listed "misinformation and disinformation" as the most severe risk facing the planet in the coming two years, ahead of "extreme weather events".  
"Whether Trump visits Davos as U.S. president again will depend on American voters.  Yet delegates gathering next week will find it hard to avoid discussing the possibility of a comeback.  This time there a less likely to make the mistake of underestimating his chances of victory, nor the disruptive impact that will have on the world."
The spectre of Donald Trump hangs over Davos | Reuters
"Ending the Ukraine war would be detrimental to the group; this is one of the immediate concerns they carry.  President Trump negotiating a peaceful resolution to the Ukraine (or Israel/Hamas) conflict is against the interests of the multinationals."
They hate him.  President Trump getting elected in 2016 was a disaster for their plans.  It set them back a few years.  Biden's been frantically trying to catch up and get their timeline back on track.  A 2024 victory for President Trump would be too much for THEM to deal with - it will not happen.  They'll make sure of it.
It appears that the biggest threat, the biggest concern to these 'elites' is the risk that Donald J. Trump poses if he's elected in 2024. 
And the next biggest threat is of 'misinformation and disinformation' (see Figure C in the Global Risks Report 2024 link below) that gets Donald J. Trump elected by voters for a third time.  This also endangers their precious narrative on the Ukraine war, the climate crisis, the Covid-19 virus origin, the Covid-19 "vaccine".....  And their reported coming of "Disease X", the next global pandemic.
No doubts these 'elites' will come up with ways to keep us from getting the TRUTH.  They'll shut us down every way they can and try to force 'their truth' on us.  A great delusion.
Media Jokes About Trump Assassination:
"The media members waited for former President Donald Trump to appear at the federal courthouse in Washington and joked about his assassination."
The SS or FBI would have been all over these people if it had been about Biden or Obama. 
For all we know - this is their Plan B to stop President Trump.  If they don't have confidence in 'stealing it' this time....
We can be sure this topic has come up at high levels in the Biden administration, the DNC, and with members of Congress and others... We saw what happened with JFK.  It is within their power and ability to do this.  And, if they see no other way out...
During Trump's civil fraud trial in NY Supreme Court recently, his lawyer was asked, "Could a president order Seal Team Six to assassinate a political rival?  That's an official act: an order to Seal Team Six."  Trump's lawyer replied that "a president would first have to be impeached by the House of Representatives and convicted by the Senate before he could be criminally charged for any acts related to his office." 
Trump Lawyer: President Can Have Rival Assassinated If Congress Is OK With It
I see asking this question with the following answer from President Trump's lawyer - as a type of 'approval' from THEIR opposition - now THEY have it 'in black and white' - everyone knows the Democrat controlled Senate would not impeach Biden for doing such a thing - and the House (RINO controlled) would probably have trouble getting enough votes.  This would 'take care of' their problem and Davos' problem.
Personally, I think something BIG is going to happen to prevent the 2024 elections from taking place.. the U.S. in a major war, 'Disease X' with another shutdown, or the above mentioned assassination followed by severe civil unrest - what the Obama's portrayed in their movie "Leave the World Behind" - probably an inside job to take down the U.S.
THEY can't let President Trump get elected in 2024.  Too much is at stake for THEM - and THEM is global! 
We know that it is God that puts 'kings' over kingdoms - nothing will happen outside of His will. 
This year is already off to a rough start....the huge Japan earthquake on Jan 1, the hit by the massive solar flare on Jan 2, the HHS Secretary extending the PREP Act for Ebola and Marburg Disease on Jan 1 (why? what's coming?), the Davos meetings starting Jan 15 including discussions on "Disease X" the next WHO global pandemic..just for starters.  Add the maybe 'predictive programming' of the "Civil War" (about the U.S.) movie coming out  April 26 (that follows Obama's "Leave the World Behind" movie), the upcoming 2024 elections, the total solar eclipse across parts of the US on April 8 ...just a few 'birth pains.
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!
See my other letter today on the coming total Solar Eclipse and the Great Madrid fault Earthquakes of 1811-1812