Chance (14 Jan 2024)
"Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche (Part 2), Dr. Alexandra Latypova and Bret Weinstein - Covid-19 'Vaccine""

Hello John and  Doves,
In this letter I wrote:
1)  About more from Dr. Bossche - a warning - this time on Covid-19 "vaccine" and children (DON'T DO IT) - he's giving a heads up on the 'tremendous storm of acute Covid deaths' of children that is coming.
2)  And Jim Ferguson, founder of Freedom Train International put out a very damning tweet concerning the "bombshell testimony of pharmaceutical executive Alexandra "Sasha" Latypova.  Dr. Latypova has spent 25 years in R & D in the pharmaceutical industry. 
3)  And Tucker Carlson interviewed Bret Weinstein.  Weinstein a co-host of The Darkhorse Podcast - 'a weekly podcast for scientific exploration'.  His take on what is going on in the world and how this ends is quite chilling.  And his info on WHO is a heads up - the U.S. is set to sign on to the new WHO pandemic agenda in May.  Please read this part.  And the end part where Carlson asks Weinstein what is going on in the West and how does this end.  A must read, imo.
Dr. Geert Bossche and Children and Covid-19 "Vaccine":
Dr. Bossche is a virologist with thirty years of vaccine experience.   See my Part 1 Doves letter last week:
Vaccine Safety Research Foundation: Interview of Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche
 run time 16:42
Dr. Bossche is begging parents to not give their children the Covid-19 "vaccine".  He explains this whole process of vaccination very well - if you'd rather not listen - here are my notes:
Children are equipped with innate antibodies - these only last during childhood and then disappear.  These help the child to fight off infection.  These innate antibodies help the child 'kick off' it's own immune system.
These innate antibodies neutralize viruses like Covid-19 (SARS-Cov-2) and many other viruses  - they 'broadly neutralize viruses'.
By binding to these live viruses the child's innate immune system will be able to educate and give the right instructions to the immune system to be able to recognize the virus it was confronted with along with other viruses.  These innate antibodies will disappear over time,  so the immune system needs to be educated to recognize these viruses.  Then the immune system will recognize these viruses in the future - when the innate antibodies are gone.
On top of this, these innate antibodies by binding to viruses, will prevent your immune system from recognizing self components (parts of the child's own body that shouldn't be recognized.)  This is part of the 'kick off' of the innate immune system of the child.  To be able to recognize viruses and to prevent the antibodies from attacking 'self'.
So the innate immune system has two important functions:  create antibodies to viruses and then neutralize the viruses and to educate the innate immune system to recognize many other viruses and to prevent the immune system from recognizing own components of the body.
It is critical to bind to live viruses and educate the immune system.
What happens when you vaccinate a child? The vaccine will induce antibodies that will strongly bind to the virus and out compete the innate immune antibodies - so the innate antibodies will not be able to bind to the virus.  This binding to the virus of the vaccine induced antibodies is completely useless...Why?  The vaccine antibodies no longer neutralize the circulating variants (viruses mutate in the body) - the new variants have become largely resistant - so these vaccine antibodies can no longer prevent infection by the virus. 
And even worse - by binding to the virus, these vaccine antibodies actually increase the infectiousness of the virus.  This is antibody dependent enhancement of infection.  This is exactly what these vaccine antibodies are going to do.  Also, since they prevent the innate antibodies from binding to the virus, these vaccine antibodies are going to prevent the innate system from being educated to recognize other viruses along with the virus it was confronted with (like SARS-CoV-2).  And, by preventing the innate antibodies from binding to the live virus (because they are out competed by the vaccine antibodies) now the innate immune system will be allowed to recognize self components.  This will lead to immune pathology, to over reactivity, to immune reactions that attack components of the body
So to get the beneficial effects that can only be induced by the binding of innate antibodies to live viruses, during childhood, we only administer live attenuated virus/vaccines to children - we only give children viruses that are capable of replicating.  None of the Covid-19 vaccines are capable of doing this.  The antibodies produced by the Covid-19 vaccines are much stronger (greater affinity for the virus than the child's innate antibodies - and these antibodies will persist for a long time- because once your are vaccinated you will be boosted all the time - these vaccine antibodies will remain high all of the time and will out compete the innate antibodies continuously.)  The innate immune system of the child will no longer be educated, will no longer be instructed and this is irreversible and very, very serious.
Yes, there are some children who will get severe disease, so the response is 'we will need to vaccinate them', Geert is not denying that some children right now are getting severe disease, but he is telling us that if you vaccinate children, it will become a thousand times worse.  Why do unvaccinated children, from time to time, get severe disease?   Children are very well protected in early childhood with their innate immune system - they get infected but are asymptomatic or mildly ill - but from time to time, as a consequence of asymptomatic infection, children can sometimes develop antibodies that resemble the vaccine-like antibodies talked about above.  These are short lived and disappear after a few weeks - and their concentration or titre is low.  When the child gets re-exposed to the virus later and has this low titre of antibodies from a previous infection, the innate system can be suppressed and this can result in severe disease.  This is rare.  And these antibodies don't last very long.  And if the child is treated early, he/she will recover and have immunity for the rest of its life.
The Covid virus circulating now is highly infectious and that is the direct consequence of the mass vaccination campaigns.  We have selected and allowed the virus to adapt to select more infectious variants and to adapt to the population. This is why the probability for  someone exposed today can get re-exposed a few weeks later.  (And get ill again.)
If you are going to vaccinate your children, this will turn a transient situation into something that is permanent, that is going to suppress the innate immune system for a long time - and it will not be able to be trained or educated to recognize all the viruses it should recognize, but instead it will be pushed to recognize components of its own body that will lead to immune pathology.
In children, these vaccine antibodies will out compete the innate antibodies, so the immune system in the early stages of life can not be kicked off properly and that it cannot recognize viruses and will recognize self components - this will lead to a tremendous storm of acute Covid deaths, there is no doubt about this,  and very severe immune pathology.
Dr. Geert has thirty years of vaccine expertise - this is serious - it is extremely more dangerous. Do not accept the main stream message of "Get your child vaccinated."   
"I beg you, I really beg you - don't vaccine your child.  Because, in many cases it will be a death sentence for the child.
(end notes)
My state of Colorado is 82% 1-dose vaccinated and 72% fully vaccinated.  Rhode Island is super high with 95% with 1-dose and 86% fully dosed.
US Coronavirus vaccine tracker | USAFacts
For kids up to 11 years old  I don't know the date on this graph) - over 30 million children have been fully or 1-dose vaccinated.  Some 425,000 under age 2 have been given one or more doses.
US Coronavirus vaccine tracker | USAFacts
Jim Ferguson and Big Pharma Executive Blows Whistle:
"Covid-19 mRNA vaccines were deliberately designed to be infecttive and lethal, according to bombshell testimony by pharmaceutical executive Alexandra "Sasha" Latypova.  According to Latypova, the Department of Defense had "very clear intent to harm" by executing a "mass genocide of Americans".  Under the DoD's control and direction, drug manufacturers like Pfizer, Moderna, and Janssen started mass-producing the shots for Operation Warp Speed - long before the first cases of Covid even appeared, it turns out.  These "figurehead" organizations, Latypova insists, were just obeying the DoD's orders."
This is certainly not the first time we've heard this.  I've written several letters on this exact topic for a couple of years now.  And here's my letter from 12 Feb 2023 on Sasha Latypova - much more detailed. 
And she is certainly not the only one speaking out about what the DoD has done. She is one of many.
Tucker Carlson Interview with Bret Weinstein:
Pharma owned a brilliant technology - mRNA.  Bringing in possibly trillions of dollars.  Covid-19 mRNA "vaccine' was wrongly called a 'vaccine'.  Billions of Covid-19 mRNA shots have been given out worldwide.  We were told that the 'vaccine' would remain in the deltoid muscle - we since know it can go through out the body via the circulatory system.  It is not suppose to be given intravenously.  In fact, the instructions on the shot were 'not to aspirate the needle' - proper injection involves pulling back on the plunger in the syringe in order to see if there is blood - the needle is then to be repositioned to miss injecting the vaccine into the circulatory system.  The advice was not to even look as this could be 'more painful and result in more vaccine hesitancy.' 
We are seeing an uptick in cancers - especially cancers that are unusual, and especially in their speed.  Cytotoxic T cells and natural killer cells are known to attack the body (see Dr. Bossche's explanation above)  Weinstein believes the vaccine manufacturers knew there was a major problem with mRNA technology that the mRNA doesn't stay in the deltoid muscle - the mRNA goes all through the body.  This was a safety screen that could not be ignored unless there was a demand for such a vaccine and this could be 'overlooked'.
Tucker asked:  What do you think will be the death toll and injury toll?  The numbers are staggering. Weinstein referred Tucker to Dr. John Campbell as a good source for this.  This is what we know - Pfizer's own safety data from it's safety trials - which only covered one month - showed a rate of one in 800 per shot of a serious side effect.  There was mortality in these safety trials.  Very high mortality risk.  What happens over long term?  We've seen a range of crippling pathologies.  Tucker said 1 in 800 shots in billions is a lot of people.  Weinstein was at a conference in Romania on the Covid crisis and he saw a credible estimate of 17 million deaths due to Covid-19 vaccine globally.  Tucker added that that is like the death toll of a global war.  They are still recommending this for children - this will shorten their lives - and the 'emergency'' is over.  There was literally NO justification for giving this to children from the beginning.
The breath taking evil to do this for profit is mind boggling.  There is a slippery slope for causing deaths with a new drug or new technology - new is not always better. 
They (vaccine manufacturers and those pushing this) are willing to cause a huge number of deaths - even to the point that it has been revealed in public...and they don't stop.  Which is another amazing fact.  You would think they would have been embarrassed into stopping this vaccination program.  
We are still injecting this into kids.  "We were all had."  He was suspicious of the "vaccine" when we were told it was 'safe' - when no one knew what the long term effects would be.  So they couldn't rightly call it 'safe'.  This was a lie from the get go.  It's not safe and effective.  It's harmful and shockingly ineffective.  THEY owned enough of the media to tell us whatever they wanted.  Podcasts have been a counter force to this.  Millions of people have listened and didn't let them shove the narrative down our throats.
He believes that WHO (and their 'pandemic plan modifications') is revising the  structures that allowed the dissonance to upend the narrative and is looking for a rematch.  (Their plans for Covid-19 didn't quit work out for them.)  They want to silence the podcasters and those speaking out against the narrative.  WHO wants to remove 'the tools' that many have had access to to allow them to see the 'downside' of this pandemic.  Would you want to go through another pandemic without this ability to see 'the other side' of things?  Something is going on with WHO to make sure we don't have these tools.  This is very troubling that this is being discussed at the international level. 
We are in the middle a coup.  We are actually facing the elimination of our national and personal sovereignty.  This is the purpose of what is being constructed.  In May this year, your nation is almost certain to sign on to an agreement that allows the Director General of WHO to declare a public health emergency (can define any thing he wants as a public health emergnecy - like 'climate change' could be declared a public health emergency) - the provisions that would kick in are beyond jaw dropping.
Once declared, WHO can mandate remedies including vaccines, gene therapy technology, and will be in a position to require these things, it will dictate our travel ability, it could forbid other treatments - this looks like a rerun of Covid-19 - they can dictate how these measures are discussed this next time - like stopping misinformation.
Carlson showed a clip of Tedros (WHO Director) - Tedros denies and refutes 'misinformation' on the pandemic accord - saying no country will cede control to WHO.  Weinstein and Tucker do not believe this. 
Weinstein said this shows WHO is spooked enough to bring this out - and Tedros is lying to us.  
DHS defined three types of terrorism:  misinformation, disinformation and malinformation.  They said misinformation are errors,  Disinformation are intentional errors or lies.  And malinformation is saying true things that cause you to distrust your government -  'what you commit when you catch them lying.'  It's discussing their lies.
This shows what 'rights' they have to silence you. This is terrifying.  Covid-19 showed us what is around us.  We are now seeing a 'turn key' to a totalitarian planet.  WHO will dictate to countries and their citizens.  What Weinstein believes that our rights are our rights even if there is a public health emergency.   We shouldn't loose our rights because a disease is spreading.   Because people have allowed their rights to be eroded - their willingness to give them up - because of a public health emergency has allowed this tyranny to use it as a trojan horse. 
He is very alarmed about the Covid-19 vaccine that is doesn't fit the definition of a vaccine - because it was called a 'vaccine' it was readily accepted.  We should be concerned about our health care system but there is now something above doctors that is part of a health tyranny.  Public Health is dictating to us under the guise of 'our well being'.  It generates fear.  When we raised questions about this we were demonized - like we had a moral defect - falling to protect others by questioning these things.  This is a coup against medicine - coming between our doctors and us.  
Tucker asked has anyone asked about these 17 million deaths worldwide?  We have not seen a response to this at the CDC, FDA, etc.  For example, you would have expected HHS, CDC, FDA to step back from defending shots for children - yet this hasn't happened - they are still pushing these shots on babies and children.
If the U.S. signs on in May - Weinstein has little hope that the U.S. will derail this - he thinks the U.S. wants this change. - the U.S. wants something to force it to violate our constitutional protections and the WHO will be that entity.  There is some resistance in Europe - and are mounting a response - but they may be easily defeated.  The U.S. has been compromised and the world is depending on these Europeans to stop this.
Tucker asked what is going on in the West and how does it end?
Weinstein believes the West has collapsed.  It functions but in a vague way.  He suspects that some powerful set of forces have decided the consent of the governed is too dangerous to tolerate and has begun to unhook it.  We don't' know who is driving this.  He doesn't think we have an enemy called "China" - he thinks there are elements within the U.S. that are partnered with elements in the Chinese party.  These two parties are not competing - they are working together.  The elites who have horded so much power and are now unhooking our rights because they are afraid of some global french revolution moment as people realize they've been betrayed and left without good options. 
Seems we are facing an end game - we are watching our governmental structures and everyone of our institutions captured and hollowed out - this is not by accident.  What worries him most, what ever is driving this is not composed of diabolical geniuses that have at least some plan for the future but it's being driven by people who actually do not know what kind of hell they are inviting - they are going to create a kind of chaos that humanity may not emerge.  And he gets the sense, that they are drunk with power and are putting everyone including themselves in tremendous jeopardy in taking apart the structures we depend.
Bobby Kennedy Jr said, in a speech, 'there are fates far worse than death' - he says we have to speak up if we want to pass a good world on to our kids.  If people put aside the obvious dangers to their lives and livelihood - we greatly outnumber those we are against - even though they are extremely powerful - he calls them Goliath.  Goliath took all of the competent people and shoved them out of the institutions and created the 'dream team' - these people are awake - we're out gunned - but we've got good people helping us.
run time 59:43
When Weinstein talked about 'the end game' we are facing - I believe Christians who know Bible Prophecy will immediately think of the Tribulation - the minions of satan in the last days are driving us right into a hell - they will 'create a kind of chaos that humanity may not emerge from' - this would be the Tribulation.  He said that it's being driven by people who actually do not know what kind of hell they are inviting.
Maybe these elites have no idea what destruction and tribulation lies dead ahead.  The Bible is pretty clear about this.  This is God's End Game.  It will unfold exactly as He wills it.  There will be total chaos, total hell on earth. Destruction due to earth changes, wars, pestilences, famine, tyranny - beheadings if you don't bow to the image....that's the next world that is coming.  There is no 'saving the planet' at this point.
When Weinstein was talking about the elites trying to set up a "re-run" of the Covid-19 pandemic, my first thought was of Marburg Virus Disease.  That is actually a continuation of Covid-19 virus/vaccine - I believe that's what's coming next.  I believe this is what Bill and Melinda Gates warned us about.
Remember Marburg Virus Disease?
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!