Bruce Kessler (28 Jan 2024)
"Rapture Dream"

Rapture Dream

    young man named Kenneth, says the Lord told him in a dream in December 2023 that "You won't see 2025."  Kenneth said he "can't hold it in any more, that we will be Raptured in 2024."  He added that evil is "planning big things in 2024 that will affect many people." He states, 2024 is the year of the Rapture.  It's a glorious time for born-again believers but not for those who believe in their self-righteousness.


    I recall another post on 5 Doves decades ago that stated Jesus told an individual that when He comes it will be before Rosh Hashanah, because "after that it will be all about the Jewish people." but the Jewish  year actually begins on Nisan 1 on April 8.


    This much was verified to me in a dream given in 2021, the same day Isaac Herzog became President of Israel.  He is the 11th president of Israel and is the first president to be born in Israel after its Declaration of Independence.  Herzog belongs to the third generation of one of Israel’s most prominent political families and most interestingly enough, came into office during the time of the "Abraham Accords."  The name association prophetically is beyond coincidence.


    This is significant because Isaac was the "seed" of God's promise to Abraham thousands of years ago.  God said He would make their population numbers be like the stars in the heavens and later prophesied that the messiah -- who would come and rule the world -- would be from Abraham's seed through Isaac.  Jesus Christ, Israel's future messiah, has a Biblically-documented lineage through Isaac.


    The dream showed me that everyone who thought they were going up in the Rapture were rushing around to get ready.  When I woke up from my dream, I kept seeing the #11 on my digital clock and decided something unusual was going on.  So I turned on my PC and learned Isaac Herzog had been elected as the 11th President of Israel.  Then I realized that since God's prophetic time clock started ticking when the Jews returned to their homeland in 1948, He was signalling to me that Isaac's election was significantly tied to the nearness of the Rapture and many have seen 11/11 as a final sign before the rapture.


    God's "seed" of promise to Abraham and Sarah was Isaac.  With an "Isaac" now ruling over Israel, God was indicating it was time for the Gentile Bride of Christ -- to whom His salvation for the Jewish people had been extended to the gentiles to make the Jews jealous -- to leave for Heaven so He could deal with His divorced Jewish bride who is about to be restored once again.This will be during the time known as "Jacob's (whose name was changed to "Israel") trials," a time of trouble not intended for the Bride of Christ as she is not under God's wrath.