Neil Lipken (15 Jan 2023)
"Important Update on Russia's War in Ukraine | Marking the End Times with..."

This is very good, and I believe it is worth a little more than 13 minutes of one's time!   The hour is very late in these End Times as Israel will turn 75 years old this coming May 14th!   A 7 year Tribulation Period is still ahead after the upcoming Rapture before the Second Coming of Israel's Messiah (Jesus) can occur, so we are now at a minimum of 82 years from 1948 to the Second Coming.   From the "parable of the fig tree" in both the New and Old Testaments, the "generation" to see Israel's return as a nation (from 1948) will see all end time events come to pass!   Psalm 90:10 might be a good indication of what a "generation" is.   If so, the Rapture could now be extremely close!   It is my personal opinion that this unrelenting war between Russia and Ukraine could very easily morph into something of much greater scope and lead to............ "sudden destruction" / Rapture.  Time will tell.....................
