Mike Plunkett (15 Jan 2023)
"A Possible Rapture Day, Although It Could Happen Any Day"

In the midst of the street of it, and on either side of the river, was there the tree of life, which bare twelve manner of fruits, and yielded her fruit every month: and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations. Revelation 22:2

While thinking and praying about the Rapture a thought occurred to me to do an internet search to see if "trees" were mentioned 153 times in the KJV.  Results of the search did confirm that there are indeed 153 instances of trees in the KJV. (1) So, was that the Holy Spirit or a product of my subconscious mind? Either way, the fact remains that "trees" appear 153 times.

Tu BiShvat, otherwise known as the Rosh Hashanah of Trees begins at sunset on Sunday, February 5 and ends in the evening of Tuesday, February 6 Jerusalem time. (2) The full moon is on Sunday February 5, 8:28 PM Jerusalem time. (3)

Trees have a special significance considering that Jesus mentioned "all the trees" in Luke 21 verse 29 when talking about the Fig Tree Generation. It was on May 11, 1949 that the United Nations accepted Israel as a member with all the other "trees". (4)

Does 153 remind you of anything? It should. There were 153 fish caught in the net according to John Chapter 21 Verse 11. "The number 153 represented every possible, known people group in the world at that time, in other words, the whole world." (For more in depth discussions of 153 see footnotes 5 & 6)

As to Tu BiShvat itself it is a "line in the sand" referring to fruit from trees under 3 years of age that can't be eaten and fruit from trees 3 years of age and over that can be eaten. (7) Does that mean all children under the age of 3, including those in the womb, plus the Redeemed 3 and over will be resurrected, transformed and raptured?

So perhaps it is the Rosh Hashanah of Trees that will be our R & R Day; considering the significance of all the above correlations.