Fay (15 Jan 2023)
"Institutions that Lied"


Hi John and Doves,

A very pertinent article in the link. By now, we have learnt to be very wary of 'trusted institutions'. The corruption goes very deep in all areas of life now. For example - there has been a recent spate of 'news articles' in the Daily Mail re the benefits and wonders of Statins. The drug used to combat cholesterol, strokes, heart attacks etc. In spite of all the stories of ghastly side effects - the media would have us believe that the benefits outweigh the risks. Today, the Daily Mail published an article about how Statins are costing the NHS £100 million a year - with that figure likely to grow. See 2nd link. Much like the extremely lucrative, yearly flu shot (and covid shots) - Statins are a huge money-maker for big pharma. So, the media promote the product and then put in a little "by the way" type news story which actually reveals the truth.

Another case in point is the attack on TikTok as some sort of Chinese spying tool. Hey - our western governments made any Russian media outlet disappear from our eyes. Russian TV is no longer available to us. All Russian media has been made to vanish. If TikTok really is so dangerous, they could do the same. The smear stories are pathetic, in light of this obvious truth. TikTok threatens Google's market dominance. And we, the public, are drip-fed lies. Grrrr! It's important that we remain vigilant.

Please come, LORD Jesus.

How Can We Trust Institutions That Lied? | ZeroHedge

Statins are now costing the NHS £100m EVERY year and the figure is likely to grow | Daily Mail Online