Elliot Hong (15 Jan 2023)
"Could the 2nd 911 occur on 1/19?"

Dear Doves:

1/13 and 1/19 can be read as 311 and 911.
And the mid-point of 1/13 and 1/19 is 1/16.
Since the middle candle of a Menorah represents the Lord, 1/16 should be watched closely.
If nothing happens on 1/16, the next watch day should be 1/19.

1) On 1/8/12, Tim Tebow won the game in 11 seconds of sudden death by throwing 80 yards to 88.
     1/19 is 11 years 11 days from the miraculous game.
     Ariel Sharon died on 1/11/14 after 8 years 8 days of coma.
     1/19 is 9 years 9 days from 1/11/14 and 9 represents Human Gestation and the Fruits of the Holy Spirit.
     1/19 is 77 days from 11/4 last year which was Cheshvan 10.

2) If SD occurs as the midnight cry on 1/19, the Remnant will be birthed 3 days later on 1/22.
    1/22 is the new moon of Shevat, the 11th month and Chinese New Year.
    1/22 in US is 1/23 in Asia.
    2 years(24 months) ago on 1/23/21, I saw a young lady wearing a sock with the number 23 in subway.
    2 means Separation and 24 is 888.
    It's possible that Shevat 2,3,4($2.34) could be for the wedding and the training.

3) It's possible that 40 Days Witness and the Time of Sorrows could begin from Shevat 5(1/27).
    1/27 is 1 year 7 months  17 days from the Jonah Sign on 6/11/21.
    1/27 is 77 days from 11/11 last year which was Cheshvan 17.
    Purim on 3/7 is 40 days from 1/27.
    Purim 2023 is the 14th Purim from the 8.8 Concepcion Sign on 2/27/10 which was Purim.
    14 means Salvation.
    Soon Israel will face the danger to be destroyed by the modern-day Haman.
    And as like the theme of Purim, the Gentile Bride should rescue the Chosen People as Esther did.
Hopefully this scenario becomes a reality finally.