In reply to your 1/22 post About those Blood Moons ( thank you for bringing it to our attention that there will be a blood moon (total lunar eclipse) on 3/14/2025 which is Purim and also another one on 3/03/2026 which is also Purim.
I already did point out in my 11/27/2022 post WHEN COULD THE 1,290TH DAY & THE 1,335TH DAY OF DANIEL 12:11-12 & THE 1,260 DAYS REIGN OF THE ANTICHRIST TAKE PLACE?? ( the possible significance of the blood moon (total lunar eclipse) of 3/02-3/03/2026 which are the Eve of Purim on Adar 13 and Purim on Adar 14. (Here is the total lunar eclipse chart at Lunar Eclipses Worldwide – 2020–2029 ( ) Please read my above post of 11/27. A blood moon, which is a full moon, would be an ideal time for the Antichrist as a Satanist to take away the daily sacrifice in the temple and would fulfill the beginning of the 1290 days of Daniel 12:11 with the daily sacrifice being taken away on the 1st day and 30 days later the abomination of desolation being set up in the holy place which would begin the 1260 day reign of the Antichrist when he has the authority to kill people who do not worship the image of the beast.
Daniel 12:11, "And from the time that the daily sacrifice shall be taken away, and the abomination that maketh desolate set up, there shall be a thousand two hundred and ninety days."