Chance (29 Jan 2023)
"Iran's Nuclear Weapons, Israel's Juniper Oak Military Exercise"

Hello John and Doves,
"Iran has enough highly enriched uranium to build "several" nuclear weapons if it chooses, the United Nations' top nuclear official is now warning....The warning from Rafael Mariano Grossi of the International Atomic Energy Agency, in response to questions from European lawmakers this week...Iran never enriched uranium as high as it does now."
"For months,...experts have suggested Iran had enough uranium enriched up to 60% to build at least one nuclear describing Iran's program, Grossi bluntly acknowledged just how large Tehran's high-enriched uranium stockpile has grown."
"One thing is true:  They have amassed enough nuclear material for several nuclear weapons, not one at this point," Grossi said."
Back in 2012, Netanyahu let the U.N. know that Israel's red line was Iran getting a 'bomb'.  Grossi said, "..well, that is long past. They have 70 kilograms (155 pounds) of uranium enriched at 60%...The amount is there...That doesn't mean they have a nuclear weapon."  But the danger remains."
Remember, Iran doesn't have to "reinvent the wheel".  Iran is following in the footsteps of  allies Pakistan and North Korea.
Maybe this revelation explains the hurried, 90 day preparation for the Israeli-US Juniper Oak huge military exercise.  Mossad may have had this information back in November.
"This week, the United States Central Command (CENTCOM) concluded what it called on social media, "the largest ever U.S.-Israel combined exercise."  Juniper Oak 2023 was the first of its name and massive in terms of scale, scope, and complexity....Strategically, the exercise demonstrated how the U.S. can rapidly flow in forces from across the globe, deploy them across combatant command boundaries, and shift from within the CENTCOM area of responsibility, all while maintaining commitments in other priority theaters."
"Juniper Oak was also unique because bomber task force and carrier strike group availability significantly condensed the inception-to-execution timeline.  U.S. and Israeli planners began work in November 2022, squeezing a year's worth of preparation into 90 days.  Both partners exhibited the level of transparency, trust, and sophistication required to coordinate, deploy, support, and execute a rapid response to any regional contingency."
"The result was a combined, multidomain exercise that entailed a large-scale live-fire event with over 6,400 U.S. and 1,100 Israeli personnel; 140 aircraft, including B-52 bombers, F-35, F-15, F-16 and FA-18 fighters, AC-130 gunships, KC-46 aerial refueling planes, AH-64 attack helicopters, as well as MQ-9 combat drones; 12 naval vessels, including a carrier strike group; advanced artillery rocket systems, including High Mobility Artillery Rocket Systems (HIMARS) and Multiple Launch Rocket Systems; along with special operations, infantry and space include over 180,000 pounds of ammunition."
There was no given "target" country, but it's pretty obvious it's Iran/Iranian allies.
Juniper Oak 2023 reinforces US commitment to Middle East, sets standard for future regional exercises | Middle East Institute
Maybe this 90 day window (starting in November) came about because of the knowledge (maybe obtained by the Mossad ) that Iran has enough enriched uranium for several nuclear bombs now. 
Or maybe Israel/US know Iran already has nuclear weapons and is getting ready to use them - maybe in coordination with a Russian response to NATO?
Is this military exercise one of offense or defense?  That's the question.  It looks like it's a response to an attack by Iran - not a pre-empt on Iran or a follow-up to a pre-empt on Iran. 
Does Iran already have nukes and Israel is preparing for the inevitable?
All mission names are specifically chosen for the purpose of the "exercise".  'Juniper Oak' is the name of this latest military exercise.
"A song of Scents.  In my distress I cried to the Lord, and He answered me. Deliver my soul, O Lord, from lying lips, from a deceitful tongue.  What will He give unto you, and what will be done to you, you treacherous tongue?  Sharp arrows from the warrior, along with fiery coals from juniper trees!"  Psalm 1201-4
As for 'oak' in the Bible - remember Absalom was hung on an oak. 2 Samuel 18:10  And the body of Saul and the bodies of his sons were buried under an oak.  1 Chron 10:12
In Hebrew gematria, Juniper Oak is 1055.  Strong's Hebrew has 1055 as bithan/bitan - great house, palace, throne room - that occurs 3 times in 3 verses and these verses are in the book of Esther - referring to the palace of the king.
On the torah calendar, Purim is on 24 Feb/25 Feb.  Adar 14.  
Don't know if there is a connection here or it's just 'of interest'.
It's obvious any nuclear talks with Iran are off the table.  Nuclear talks have failed.  The U.S. can't stop Iran from building nuclear weapons.  Iran is moving ahead with their nuclear aspirations - they want nuclear weapons.
A nuclear Iran is a red line for Netanyahu.  What will happen now?  
It looks like this military exercise is acknowledgement that nothing will stop Iran in their quest for nuclear weapons and Israel is preparing to respond to an attack.  It may be too late to stop Iran from building nuclear weapons now. Back in February of 2020, we were told it would take Iran "about two years" to make the first bombs; Iran already had the needed amount of enriched uranium.  Iran has been involved in a clandestine military nuclear program underground - this is why they prohibited inspections of military facilities..."concealing the dimensions and status of Iran's nuclear-weapons program." How quickly can Iran make a nuclear bomb?
Back in February 2016, several men (Ambassador James Woolsey (former director of central intelligence), William Graham (President Reagan's science advisor and acting administrator of NASA, and chairman of the Congressional EMP Commission), Ambassador Henry Cooper (former director of the Strategic Defense Initiative and chief negotiator at the Defense and Space Talks with the USSR), Fritz Ermarth (chairman of the National Intelligence Council), Peter Vincent Pry (executive director of the EMP Task Force on National and Homeland Security and served in the Congressional Strategic Posture Commission, the House Armed Services Committee and the CIA.) wrote to the U.S. Senate:
"We assess, from U.N. International Atomic Energy Agency reports and other sources, that Iran probably already has nuclear weapons.  Over 13 years ago, prior to 2003, Iran was manufacturing nuclear-weapon components, like bridge-wire detonators and neutron initiators, performing non-fissile explosive experiments of an implosion nuclear device, and working on the design of a nuclear warhead for the Shahab-III missile.  Thirteen years ago Iran was already a threshold nuclear-missile state.  It is implausible that Iran suspended its program for over a decade for a nuclear deal with President Obama.  Iran probably has nuclear warheads for the Shahab-III medium-range missile, which they tested for making EMP attacks.  Two recent tests violate UN agreements, demonstrating that Iran is brazenly developing its nuclear-capable missiles.  Iran already has the largest medium-range ballistic missile force in the Middle East."
"Iran could be building a nuclear-capable missile force, partly hidden in tunnels, ...Iran is building toward a large, deployable, survivable, war-fighting missile force - to which nuclear weapons can be swiftly added as they are manufactured."
"And a time of its choosing, Iran could launch a surprise EMP attack against the United States by satellite, as they have apparently practiced with help from North Korea."
If Iran already has nukes, Israel is aware of this.  The U.S. is aware of this.  Russia is aware of this.  And the Middle East is walking on egg shells.  This  Juniper Oak, with it's massive show of force, is their last ditch effort make Iran realize an attack on Israel will not go without a swift and massive response.  Iran has had years to prepare for a retaliation with deep underground bases and bomb shelters.
And now, Iran and Russia are allied against Ukraine/NATO.  And the Ukraine/NATO vs Russia war is on the edge of the abyss.  Biden said the US would send 31 M1 Abrams tanks - now it appears that the Pentagon doesn't have enough in its own stockpile to send these at this time.  So Ukraine is looking at months for these tanks to arrive. 
run time 15:20
And maybe Berlin will delay their approval of Leopard 2 tanks to Ukraine now.    But the US/Germany aren't the only countries adding fuel to the fire - the UK, Estonia, Poland, Romania and many others are sending in various weapons and munitions.
Did Biden 'mispeak' again?  Or is this setting up Germany to take the brunt of Russian retaliation for sending in tanks?  Germany announced they would "provide 14 Leopard 2 A6 tanks to Ukraine and other countries in possession of the German-made tanks would be permitted to send them to Ukraine as well."
Russia's lower house of parliament warned that "nations providing Ukraine with more powerful weapons could cause a "global tragedy that would destroy their countries."
German Tanks To Ukraine Elevates War to 'New Level': Russia
And Russian allies are now calling on Moscow to tactically nuke Berlin for their Leopard 2 tank decision.
(Last summer I heard a rumor that 'the elites' want to destroy Germany - because the deutsche mark pretty much supports the EU as Germany is the strongest economy in the EU - and so to take the EU out - like they want to remove the US as the world's super power - Germany needs to be destroyed.  Will Russia do this for them?  Help them with their Build Back Better plans?  hmmmm)
Russia says all of this shows the West is not interested in a diplomatic solution - and is looking for "permanent escalation and unlimited pumping of the Kyiv regime with more and more deadly weapons.  'Red lines are a thing of the past'." 
German Tanks To Ukraine Elevates War to 'New Level': Russia
Iran would be waiting for 'the right time' to launch an attack.  Maybe this will coincide with Russia and an escalation of the war with NATO.  Maybe the U.S. will be so crippled as to only offer minimal help to Israel.  In the Gog and Magog War, Israel is only 'saved' by God stepping in.  And destroying the armies of Gog.
Watch what Russia does with this huge escalation by the West.  Watch what Israel does as all of this escalates.
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!