Chance (15 Jan 2023)
"UFOs  And End Times Part 2"

Hello John and Doves,
The U.S. All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office that receives and analyzes reports from military pilots about UFOs, was in the news today - they have collected 510 reports of UFOs.  The Pentagon published an 'unclassified' document of their findings.
"The events 'continue to occur in restricted or sensitive airspace, highlighting possible concerns for safety of flight or adversary collection activity," the Office of the Director of National Intelligence said in it 2022 report.  The classified version of the report addresses how many of those objects were found near locations where nuclear power plants operate or nuclear weapons are stored.
"The 510 objects include 144 objects previously reported and 366 new reports."  Their analysis determined some reports were of 'balloons and drones'..
"The Pentagon's anomaly office is also to include any unidentified objects moving underwater, in the air or in space and something that moves between those domains, which could pose a new threat."
"...according to the report, 26 cases were identified as drones, 163 were classified as "balloons or balloon-like entities," and six were labeled as airborne clutter, such as birds or plastic bags.  These findings fit with prior claims from Pentagon officials that most recent UAP reports were likely the results of foreign surveillance drones and clutter."
"The remaining 171 cases are still "uncharacterized and unattributed," due to a lack of detailed data, according to the report.  Some of these cases, which involved objects moving in unusual or inexplicable ways, remain under investigation.  The report declines to mention the possibility of alien involvement in any cases."
Pentagon is struggling to explain more than 170 fresh UFO reports, new document reveals | Live Science
Remember, these reports are generated by MILITARY PILOTS - not the public.  I think a military pilot can tell the difference between a balloon/drone/birds and trash and something 'not of this earth/not man made'.  And for most of these to occur near 'nuclear power plants, missile silos, nuclear sub locations' doesn't make sense either - if the Chinese was sending in drones the U.S. military would have been all over them and birds and trash don't hang out around missile something else is occurring here.  And the Pentagon is only taken a 'renewed' interest in UFO investigations because of leaked military footage - These leaked videos and public pressure prompted the Senate to require the Pentagon to look into its UFO files.  So the Pentagon isn't gladly sharing information that it has - and it certainly isn't going to share ALL of it's investigations and corresponding black op programs.
Here is the 'unclassified' (extremely sanitized) version of the 2022 Annual Report, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI), released to the public.  In the report they note that to date there has been no collisions between military aircraft and UAP.  The report concludes that "UAP pose a safety of flight and collision hazard to air assets, potentially requiring aircraft operators to adjust flight patterns in response to their unauthorized presence in the airspace, operating outside of air traffic control standards and instruction....and there have also been no encounters with UAP confirmed to contribute directly to adverse health-related effects to the observer(s)."
If we compare the "unclassified" report to the information "60 Minutes" reported - it's a difference of night and day.
In May of 2021, "60 Minutes" covered this topic of the U.S. military encounters with UFOs -
Bombshell UFO Report: U.S. Military Encounters UFOs ‘Every Day’ That Far Exceed Its Tech, Capabilities | The Daily Wire
In the above article, "Lue Elizondo, former US Military official that led the U.S. government's effort to investigate UAP:  "Imagine a technology that can do 600 to 700 g forces, that can fly at 13,000 miles and hour, that can evade radar and that can fly through air and water and possibly space.  And oh, by the way, has no obvious signs of propulsion, no wings, no control surfaces and yet still can defy the natural effects of Earth's gravity.  That's precisely what we're seeing."  And how often?  EVERY DAY!
The U.S. government is very much aware of these UFOs - the DoD gigantic budget funds billions in black ops - off the books - projects so far above top secret - most at the top of the executive department and Congress have no knowledge of.
In 2006, Rep Cynthia McKinney questioned Donald Rumsfeld, Secretary of Defense, she notes serious financial problems at the Pentagon...'in fiscal year 1999 $2.3 trillion missing and fiscal year 2000 $1.1 trillion missing and the DoD is the number one reason why the government can't balance it's checkbook'.
(1074) Cynthia McKinney Grills Donald Rumsfeld - YouTube
run time 9:16
Seems there is always large amounts of money unaccounted for by the DoD.
The Inspector General followed up on this missing money and found it to be $6.5 trillion!
Defense Department Missing $6.5 Trillion up from $2.3 Trillion in 2001 | Armstrong Economics
"So what exactly is this money going towards?  The revelation of a $56 billion Pentagon black budget for secret military, space and surveillance programs has led some to speculate that it could be merely a fraction of what's actually being spent."
Professor Finds $21 Trillion Missing from Government Budget | Gaia
And in this November 28, 2022 article:  "...the Pentagon has failed yet another audit.  Yet, for the most part, nobody seems to care in the media or government.  When you fail year after year, it becomes the rule versus the exception to fail basic standards.  This recent failure marks the fifth year that the Defense Department has failed to meet the audit requirements set by Congress."  A, in a 2022 audit, a deficit of $2.2 trillion in assets is unaccounted for. 
Pentagon Admits It Can't Account for $2 Trillion - AGAIN - The Political Insider
Last year, Americans waited for the much anticipated UFO report from the government - it was pretty much a 'nothing burger'.  But, whatever it really was, it was important enough to brief the Canadian Defense Minister.
Canadian defence minister was briefed on UFOs ahead of U.S. intel report - ABC17NEWS
I remember years ago listening to an interview with Canada's former Defense Minister Paul Hellyer.  He told the story of reading the book, "The Day After Roswell" written by U.S. Col. Philip Corso (ret.).  He was so intrigued by the information that Corso revealed about the U.S. military's program in reverse engineering "items" collected from UFO crash sites that he contacted a U.S. general friend of his and asked him if any of this was true.  He said the general told him it was all true and there was so much more....  
After leaving the Department of Defense Hellyer went on to give numerous interviews, where he talked about the U.S. government/U.S. military hiding 'UFO phenomenon and the extraterrestrial presence' from the public.
In his obituary,  his family wrote:  "Hellyer called on the governments of the world that he believed had recovered alien technologies from UFO crashes to disclose their findings, as he thought a concerted effort to investigate these technologies could provide solutions to the pressing problems of our era, such as climate change."
Former defence minister Paul Hellyer remembered for his love of country | CBC News
Phillip Hellyer had seen enough evidence and had talked to enough credible people to conclude there was certainly a concerted cover up by governments to keep such information from the public.  UFOs exist.  And "aliens live right here on earth and they are right here now."  He dedicated the last of his life to following up on this topic.
Paul Hellyer UFO disclosure, nearby exoplanet confirmed - Nexus Newsfeed
There has been years of cover ups and a lot of time and energy in diverting attention away from various conspiracy theories.  
"The Pentagon has acknowledged funding a secret multi-million dollar program to investigate sightings of UFOs.  The shadowy program ended in 2012, according to the Defense Department, but the New York Times reported that it is still up and running
Revealed: the Pentagon's secret UFO-hunting program
The government is not saying that there are aliens out would think they would just announce this since so much has become public knowledge over the years - leaked videos, eye witness accounts...   A gallup poll in 2019 reported that  "Four in 10 Americans now think some UFOs that people have spotted have been alien spacecraft visiting Earth from other planets or galaxies."  If the Pentagon has identified these space craft as "visiting Earth from other planets or galaxies" then just say so.  It seems ridiculous at this point to keep covering this up.
Do Americans Believe in UFOs?
We do not know if the people in the Pentagon and people running the black ops think these UFOs are of alien creation or demonic creation.  (And maybe these 'people' are of demonic origin themselves!)   But if I had to guess, I'd guess some definitely know this is of another dimension/origin - a spiritual origin. And that's why they aren't coming out about "aliens"...yet.   (Some entities may be demonic, some may be angelic.)  But definitely not from this dimension.  I believe that any 'aliens' that the Pentagon (and other militaries) is dealing with are demonic entities.  They can't admit that.  So they leave the 'vague' possibility of 'aliens'/ETs.
Telling the American public that we are dealing with demons and angels - spiritual beings - and not 'aliens from other planets' would be far more of a psychological shock, not to mention a HUGE spiritual shock!, for most of the public than telling them there are aliens that exist and we have contact with them.  Best to let the deception continue.....
Because if the Pentagon announced Earth is being visited daily by angelic beings and demonic beings - that would be good proof for The Bible (or another religion).  
They won't stand for anything proving what was written in the The Bible thousands of years ago!
I see this UFO cover up as part of The Great Deception. 
The genius Stephen Hawking believed in aliens and that they just might visit Earth and destroy mankind.
Stephen Hawking on Alien Life, Extraterrestrials and the Possibility of UFOs Visiting Earth

And Francis Crick (of DNA double helix fame) believed life on earth came from aliens from other planets - "In a book entitled "Life Itself", published in 1981, Crick posited instead that life on earth originated from microorganisms deliberately seeded by a higher civilization via unmanned spaceships."
From Molecular Biology to Neurobiology, 1976-2004 | Francis Crick - Profiles in Science
And the famous astronomer and astrophysicist Carl Sagan believed that UFOs were real and continued his search for extraterrestrial intelligence.
Carl Sagan Knew UFOs Are Real, Confidant Reveals - Alien UFO Sightings
These men 'were not particularly interested in God' - so they had no thought for the spiritual realm.  The one of demons and angels.  The realm that Paul teaches us about - "For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rules, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms."  Ephesians 6:12 
I have personally witnessed several UFOs - two with my father when I was a child - he was a pilot during WWII - and he explained the 'g forces' to us kids and how a human being wouldn't survive what we were watching take place in the sky.  That these were not man-made objects, piloted by human beings.
I believe as we get closer and closer to the start of The Tribulation that these entities will become more and more obvious to all - they have always been around.  Even thousands of years ago.  Example: The Bible - Ezekiel writes about a "wheel within a wheel" in the middle of the air, and Daniel writes about 'the Watchers' coming down from Heaven, plus numerous verses about people possessed with demons and numerous verses about angels coming down to Earth as messengers and helpers..   
And then there are these amazing paintings: Why are these 'UFOs' included in these?  What did the artist think they were?
10 Historic Paintings That Clearly Show UFOs - Listverse
And so the Great Deception continues to keep mankind in the dark, hiding The Truth.
We are in a battle of gigantic proportions!  Our human minds can not even begin to fathom the depths and breadths of this.  Or the danger of this! 
This is where Jesus comes in.....
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!