This is from October of 2020, but it is a very short good video. The early beginnings of Revelation 13:16-18! It is all happening as the Bible said it would happen! In 1948 Israel returned as a free, independent nation for the first time since 721 BC (2669 years earlier), and we entered the End Times of this present dispensation, the "Church Age". From the parable of the fig tree in both the New and Old Testaments, the generation to see Israel's return will see all end time events fulfilled. The "mark of the beast" will be fully implemented after the upcoming Rapture during the 7 year Tribulation Period. It is a really good idea right now to know Israel's Messiah as one's Lord and Savior so as to be taken up in the Rapture and miss the horrors of the 7 year Tribulation Period! Who is Israel's Messiah? Micah 5:2, Psalm 22:14-18, and all of Isaiah 53! It is a no brainer! Only through Him is there eternal life! For Jew and gentile alike, there is no other way to eternal life when this earthly life is over! John 14:6 New Testament !!!!!!!!!