Below is an excerpt copied from the article in the link (far) below. It contains the famous key words (peace and security) scripted in the bible concerning this era of time and the great tribulation period that follows.As we well know from scripture “sudden destruction” comes upon the earth soon after they are proclaiming.......... “peace and safety”.The current ongoing (UNWARRANTED) threatening actions (insane madness) of the US / EU / NATO against Russia is unprecedented in it’s scope......... forcing Russia to activate, align and stage its whole military complex in an effort to insure it’s survival as a nation. Russia bares no fault in what is transpiring.The Western countries that make up the US / EU / NATO are now controlled by literal demons. The rulers of these countries were inserted into office not elected to those positions of power. This has been the case ever since the new digital (easily hacked) voting machines were put in service circa 2005. Since then Lucifer Inc. has put / inserted his people in nearly all positions of power in the West across the whole spectrum of the judicial, legislative and executive branches of to bottom.The result of this treachery and demonic madness has now left the world on the cusp of nuclear war between Russia and the West. A gigantic blood sacrifice orchestrated by the demons who now control the Western governments. These rulers are Satan’s minions who have set the stage for the two greatest concentrations of Christians in the world to be vaporized within a nuclear exchange fully planned and orchestrated by Lucifer Inc.What a feather in the cap of Satan it would be if he could accomplish this most evil of plans .......the elimination / eradication of the majority of Christians in the world with one large nuclear exchange.Due to these demonic (unelected) world leaders and the false pandemic they have created............ the world also faces “The Great Reset” where the table is being set for the antichrist system to fully control the world.Most media is not covering any of this because they are controlled as well by Lucifer Inc.Hal Turner’s web site has been steadfast in his coverage of all of this anti-Russian’s a couple of his recent posts.Or......follow all the daily posts on this web site that will keep one informed on the demonic madness that prevails concerning this topic lineA fascinating new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today first noting Deputy Foreign Minister Alexander Grushko revealing about yesterday’s Russia-NATO Council meeting: “At present, we have no unifying positive agenda…None at all”, says quick to follow was United States Deputy Secretary of State Wendy Sherman declaring: “It is Russia that has to make a stark choice: de-escalation and diplomacy or confrontation and consequences…We expect and had expected that the Russian delegations at the SSD here at the NATO-Russia Council and tomorrow at the OSCE will have to report back to President Putin, who we all hope will choose peace and security”—and was a socialist Biden Regime declaration so absurd, it caused Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova to exclaim: “The quality of American education is well-attested by the absurd, mistake-riddled statements coming from White House officials”