Greg Alston (2 Jan 2022)
"Reply to Greg W.  (December 19 post)"

Seasons grettings, Greg.  

I think we need to agree to disagree. To me, it becomes a crapshoot when we start picking and choosing what scriptures in the N.T. should be applied to Jews only.  Who decides the criteria?  And why are many verses arbitrarily sealed to the born again Christian (Jew or gentile).  

God's Word should not be made complicated, neither should some portions be set aside.  "If the plain sense makes sense, look for no other sense, lest it ends up with nonsense."

Rather, the simplicity of God's Word should prevail.  Paul wrote in 2 Timothy 3:16:  "All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness." 

I addressed this in my December 19 post, "Flee the Wrath to Come."  

Be blessed,

- Greg