Fay (30
Jan 2022)
"My Abe Lincoln
Dream. Look at This!!"
Hi John and Doves,
At the beginning of 2018 (or thereabouts) I had a vivid dream of
Abraham Lincoln and his wife. They were in the sky. They wore
the clothes of their day. Abe was wearing his signature tall hat
and was standing - his wife was seated and wearing a bonnet.
They looked like a classic painting of what you would picture
them to look like.
I was in a large shopping mall, walking along a flat ramp.
Inside the mall were crates of stuff. Some of the crates were
blue - some red. I could not figure out if the stuff was there
to be stocked inside the shops or to be taken out of the shops.
I walked back outside and a low flying plane starting dropping
bombs. It was an ordinary day with the normal traffic. I
remember seeing cars driving around. I looked up at Abraham
Lincoln and asked "Is it the rapture?". He just smiled and
wagged his forefinger from side to side - as if to say "I can't
answer that question". Bizarrely - he was smiling. A gentle
Ever since that dream, I have been tracking the whereabouts of
the USS Abraham Lincoln. Please see the link. For me personally
- this is huge.