Fay (23 Jan 2022)
"The Seed of the Woman"


Hi John and Doves,

The article in the first link really got me thinking. Our LORD Jesus came from the seed of the woman. Almighty God put enmity between the seed of the woman and the seed of the serpent. It makes sense that the devil loathes women. This gender bending nonsense offers huge proof that the devil is operating in present time. Affecting the affairs of humanity. Daniel 11:36 tells us that the end-time king will do as he pleases and will be successful until the time of wrath is complete. Daniel 11:37 goes on to say that this king will show no regard for the one desired by women. Please see 2nd link.

In the meantime, we are all feeling the backlash from this end time king. This trans stuff is a war against women. Which means this king is around NOW. Whether he is operating behind the scenes or is hiding in plain sight, remains to be seen. But - it's obvious he's here.

You will enjoy the article in the 1st link. Matt Walsh made mincemeat out of the trans activists on the show. Very funny!

