Fay (23 Jan 2022)
"Passover! Hmmm!"


Hi John and Doves,

You know how Jerusalem is likened to Egypt and Sodom in Revelation 11? Both stories tell of an exodus - a fleeing - an escaping. Which reminds me of the story of Passover. Pesach - or Passover - is a celebration of the Exodus. We know from prophecy, that the end times will bring war upon Israel. An exodus will happen where "the woman" will be protected for 1,260 days. 144,000 virgin men will receive a mark, designating them as belonging to God.

Passover 2022 begins at sundown on April 15th (Friday) and ends on Saturday April 23rd. Easter falls on April 17th - which is the 2nd day of Passover. What makes this even more interesting is that a wave offering is held on the 2nd day of Passover and involves waving a sheaf of Barley. This will coincide with our Easter Sunday. Huh!
