Fay (2
Jan 2022)
"A very Intriguing
Happy New Year, John and Doves,
I have been mulling over the significance of March 11th. This is
the date that the covid plandemic officially started in 2020. It
is also the date of the horrific Japan earthquake and tsunami in
2011. 11 years ago.
Back in 2011, John Tng was publishing every day. I had a strange
dream that urged me to write to Doves and say that "something
was going to happen tomorrow that will point to the rapture". I
sent it on February 21st, 2011. On February 22nd, 2011,
Christchurch, New Zealand suffered an extremely destructive
earthquake. I immediately knew this was the pointer God had
given. Not being a slick numbers person, I tried so hard to work
out the significance of that date. I tried everything but have
always been left with 2 22. At the time - it was too hideous a
thought to contemplate the rapture only taking place in 2022.
Yet - here we are.
The Christchurch earthquake happened on February 22nd, 2011.
This was followed by the Japan earthquake and tsunami on March
11th, 2011. Then JR Church died on March 22nd, 2011. The two
"church" incidents appeared to bracket the March 11th tsunami
Let's not forget the glowing orb that descended on the Temple
Mount in Jerusalem. That occurred in late January 2011. The
so-called "Arab Spring" erupted in February 2011. A camera
anomaly captured an image of a green horse and rider amongst the
Egyptian rioters. 2011 was a huge year for prophetic signs. It
was also the year that many started seeing the 11:11 phenomena.
And this was all 11 y ears ago!
Please come, LORD Jesus.