Fay (16 Jan 2022)
"Fantasy Money. Fantasy Everything!"


Hi John and Doves,

I picked up this link from the Rapture Ready website. From Tyler Burden at Zero Hedge. Tyler is sounding the alarm over the financial crisis that has been threatening to hit, like the proverbial tidal wave, since what seems like FOREVER. I don't claim to be a financial wizard. I don't even claim to understand how the markets work. But, I do know fantasy bilge when I see it.

The 2008 market crash taught us all to really think about the markets. What we learned was that Lehman Brothers took the brunt and the average tax payer bailed out the rest of the "too big to fail" banking extravaganza. Millions of people lost their homes due to the "sub-prime" markets shenanigans...blah, blah, blah. It all sounds fabulously complicated (a bit like Darwin's Theory of Evolution) but it's all clearly a game. This so-called money is all in the ether. It is not backed by the gold standard. It's not backed by anything. It is all based in "the cloud". The Federal Reserve holds America over a barrel. Because this is who America owes money to. China likes to think they hold financial sway over Americans and the rest of the world because they have used their fantasy money to buy up swathes of companies, ports and land.

It's all basically like a computer game. Money, itself, is not real. It's not tangible anymore. It is all a giant chessboard. The minute we all wake up and realise just how diabolical our leaders are, is the minute that our LORD Jesus can take control. Sadly - very many people will only realise this truth once the plop hits the fan. Our LORD Jesus needs us to wake up and stop felling victimised and helpless. We have enormous power backing us. We need to own that knowledge and be filled with confidence.

Please come, LORD Jesus.
