Fay (16 Jan 2022)
"Who is Amalek Today?"


Hi John and Doves,

A brilliant article from Israel365. Defining the present as well as the past.

The Jewish people are elected, by God, to be HIS people. He marked out Israel as HIS Holy Land where His chosen people were to be settled. The Jewish people are a nation separate from all the other nations. Christians are given a choice. We can choose to believe - or not. If we confess with our tongues and believe in our hearts - we join the family of God.

The Jewish people are meant to shine a light to the nations. When they disobey, Almighty God makes His displeasure known. Given all the evidence laid out in front of us, it's hard to see why there are still those who denigrate the Jewish people. Many of whom keep pushing the evil notion that the people currently occupying Israel are not "real" Jews. Why Almighty God would fill His Holy Land with fake Jews, is beyond ridiculous thought. It's an evil thought that bears zero connection to scripture and prophecy. It is a thought that is a classic trademark of Amalek.

As scripture promises us that believers in Christ are not appointed to wrath, we can draw strength from that reassurance. Because wrath is coming soon. Iran's proxies will attack Israel soon - followed by Ezekiel 38. The nations are taking their places. Our redemption draws near.

Praying for the peace of Jerusalem.

In Jesus' beloved Name.
