Hi Elliot,
I agree that something should occur on Tu B'Shevat this very year. Some sort of sign. Tu B'Shevat in 2018 (Israel's 70th birthday year) was marked by a full moon, super moon, total lunar eclipse. That happened on January 31st, 2018. If that marked a countdown to year 4 of the Fig Tree parable, then that's where we are now. January 17th, 2022 marks year 4 after Israel completed her 70 years back in the Holy Land.
In the 1st link is news that a large asteroid is due to make a close fly-by earth on January 18th. The day after Tu B'Shevat. Your letter from last week is in the 2nd link. You made some astute observations.
MrMBB333 has been receiving some bizarre footage of strange plant behaviour. This is a new phenomenon - peculiar to this year.
Let's pray that this year brings our beloved LORD Jesus.