Elliot Hong (9 Jan 2022)
"The Sign of Venus, 10 Day Warning and Tu B'Shevat (Wolf Moon)"

Dear Doves:

This youtube of nemesis maturity says that Venus will turn into a "Ring of Fire" on 1/8/22. 
This "Ring of Fire" of Venus is 7 months and 5 days by Jewish calendar from Annular Solar Eclipse on 6/10/21.
The meaning of 7 and 5 is Perfection of God and Grace.
The Lord told Barbara Francis that 12/21 is the marker in My Time.
12/21/21 was Winter Solstice and 1 year from Christmas Star.
1/8/22 is 18 days from 12/21/21.
18 is 666, and the name of O has 18 letters which fit to Rev.13:18.
Venus becomes the Morning Star from 1/8/22.
This sign of Venus fits to Rev.22:16 and Isaiah 14:12-13.
Thus it's possible that something big could occur on 1/8 which will usher O to come back to power.
What about the birth of the Remnant?
If something big occurs on 1/8, it could be 10 Day Warning for Tu B'Shevat.

I've been saying that the full moon has a dual meaning of Judgment and Glory.
Shevat is the 11th and 5th month which represents Judgment and Grace(Glory).
Tu B'Shevat happens to be 1/17 in 2022.
Since the Lord resurrected on Jewish 1/17, 17 means Victory and is the number of 153.
Tu B'Shevat is 10 months from Passover, and 10 means Completion.
Tu B'Shevat is 9 months from Pesach Sheni, and 9 means Human Gestation and the Fruits of the Holy Spirit.
Tu B'Shevat is 8 months from Super Blood Moon/Total Lunar Eclipse on 5/26/21, and 8 means New Birth.
Tu B'Shevat is 6 months from Tu B'Av, and 6 means Man which is connected to the miracle of water in 6 jars.
Tu B'Shevat is 4 months from Sukkot Full Moon, and 4 represents Door which fits to Rev.3:8, 3:20 and 4:1.
Tu B'Shevat is 2 months from the longest Lunar Eclipse in 581 years on 11/19/21, and 2 means Separation. 

Tu B'Shevat is the New Year for Trees.
The Bible teaches that believer should be a good tree bearing much fruit to bring glory to the Father.
And bad trees which don't bear fruit will be cut down.
Thus Tu B'Shevat could be the day of Separation between good trees and bad trees.
Interestingly, January full moon is called as Wolf Moon.
Could it suggest that left behind believers will be attacked by wolf as it's written in John 10:12?

Hopefully this theory becomes a reality this time.