Chance (30 Jan 2022)
"COVID-19: A Second Opinion"

Hello John and Doves,
Senator Ron Johnson moderated a panel of "world renowned doctors and medical experts" who shared their knowledge, experience, and expertise on the Covid-19 virus and 'vaccine'.
What they present is shocking to the core.  It is downright damning.
This is exactly what many of us here at Doves have written letters about for two years.
This meeting or roundtable was titled:  "Covid-19:  A Second Opinion.
No one in the U.S. is allowed to give their opinion on the virus or it's accompanying 'vaccine' IF their opinion disagrees with "the narrative".  They will be censored, discredited, maligned, shamed, fired, have their medical license revoked, fined.
This is an excellent discussion.  Much information has been passed on to the public during this 5 hour meeting. 
COVID-19: A Second Opinion
"The following chart was shown during the panel discussion.  The data was gathered from FDA and CDC worldwide data including data from the FDA FAERS System (FDA Adverse Event Reporting System) the CDC VAERS System (Vaccine Adverse Effect Reporting System).
(much more at this link including testimonials)
God help us!
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!
