Chance (23 Jan 2022)
"Covid Vaccine Deaths"

Hello John and Doves,
This is just a small amount of the data/reports coming out about the deaths that can be attributed to the Covid-19 mRNA vaccines.  And this is just the beginning of the dye-off.
"At this point, denial can only be deliberate and self-serving.  The evidence is piling up.  The Covid shots are killing and maiming people - in LARGE numbers."
There is a 99-page study titled "Worldwide Bayesian Causal Impact Analysis of Vaccine Administration on Deaths and Cases Associated with Covid-19:  A Big Data Analysis of 145 Countries".  This study shows that the Covid vaccine has resulted in a "31% increase in deaths per million" and "38% more Covid cases per million."
I have written before about the most vaccinated countries having the most Covid cases.  The Covid 'vaccine' damages one's immune system, setting one up for Covid and other infections.  And the 'vaccine's' mRNA codes for the very toxic spike protein that is made throughout the body after vaccination, wreaking havoc in many ways. 
Another study by the British government shows that the "fully vaccinated" are "clearly dying at a significantly higher rate than the unvaccinated."  Data shows "946,000 people suffered injuries or death from Covid-19 vaccination."
And this youtube titled "Deaths in New Zealand"  Jan 18, 2022, run time 33:11; at about 12 minutes into the video, shows the direct relationship between Covid vaccination and all cause deaths.  As the mRNA vaccine number went up, so did the all cause deaths.  As the mRNA vaccine number went down, so did the all cause deaths.  This is pretty dramatic charting.   
This is for New Zealand - which has a low incidence of Covid.  And a high vaccination rate.  Here, Covid vaccinations/adverse reactions and deaths are not confused with Covid deaths/Covid side effects.  It's pretty easy to see that the increase in all cause deaths is not due to Covid....and the elephant in the room is the 'vaccine'.
This relationship is also apparent in the Density Plot:  Effect of Vaccines on Total Deaths Per Million Grouped by Continent.  This plot shows the % Causal Impact of Vaccines on Total Deaths Per Milton.  "This data shows % casual impact of vaccines up to +500%."
Pretty damning data coming out.  Yes, it is getting harder and harder to contain what has been going on with these 'vaccines'.
More and more people are seeing that the vaccine is killing way more people than Covid is killing.
We know this vaccine contains mRNA that codes for a toxic spike protein.  Numerous researchers/physicians etc are speaking up about the purpose of the engineered bioweapon virus (SARS-CoV-2) and the engineered bioweapon accompanying 'vaccine'. They see this as a means to reduce and limit the human population.  There is no other possible reason for this.  
Satan hates everything God has created.  Satan hates mankind.  "They do intend to kill most of us.  That is the purpose of the spike protein in the "vaccine". 
If you are wondering how this increase in deaths due to 'all causes' can be blamed on the Covid vaccines - Dr. Chetty explains this very well.
This bitchute video of an interview with Dr. Shankara Chetty is a real eye-opener.  It's about 11 minutes long.
Here are my notes:
"South African Physician Dr. Shankara Chetty talks about the BIGGER PLAN:  "If I had to give you my opinion as to what is happening on a global scale...spike protein is one of the most contrived toxins or poisons that man has ever made...the aim of this toxin is to kill billions without anyone noticing it.  So it's a poison with an agenda. 
"Now, we've got an engineered virus and a we've got a mandated vaccine that follow on each other, so what looks like has transpired here is, they've engineered a virus and put on this a weapons grade protein called spike protein."   "So now we have this most elaborately engineered protein put into a virus/vector".  "Then we expose the planet to a small dose of this."  A spike protein causes an allergic reaction which, untreated, results in death.  A small percentage of people react and die... the planet is isolated for 14 days...the hospital protocols  are manipulated to increase deaths and stir all the fear and create confusion...and steer humanity towards mass vaccinations."  
"We've been conned into giving away our freedoms.  "The game they played with this engineered virus was to justify the vaccination of the planet."  This will expose us to the spike protein for longer.  The spike protein causes allergic reactions that can result in deaths.  All allergic reactions lie within the first 14 days after vaccination.  So side effects due to the vaccine can not be attributed to it in the first 14 days because that's where all of the allergic reactions lie.  And the deaths will never be pinned on the vaccine.  After the first 14 days, the spike protein will have an affect on the ACE2 receptors - these are the deaths that are meant to follow and will never be pinned on the vaccine.  The mRNA that codes for the toxic spike protein will be distributed and incorporated into the human body and tissues and trigger a host of auto immune reactions...the deaths that are meant to follow the vaccinations will never be pinned on the poison because they will be too diverse, too many, too spread out over time...and we won't realize we've been poisoned.  The toxin is dependent on the host's response - this results in mild, moderate, or severe illness.  
This toxin in the long term will cause pre-existing conditions to flare up - cancers will flare up and their deaths will be attributed to the cancers; diabetic, blood pressure patients are going to have heart attacks and strokes and these will be blamed on the pre-existing conditions.  These pre-existing conditions will be a cover for the spike protein deaths.
The bigger plan is to make sure they can kill off a large proportion of our population without knowing they have been poisoned.  We were sold the vaccine as our savior from the start.  The real science does not support a vaccine.  "The vaccine is absolutely nonsensical."
Vaccines are to stimulate immunity and in doing so they prevent illness and prevent transmission.  Clearly, the Covid vaccine does not do this.  There is no proof that this vaccine benefits humanity.
(end of notes)
BUT, as you can see from the data/research presented above, before Dr. Chetty's interview (published November 6, 2021), deaths due to 'all causes' are showing that something is wrong with this vaccine.  As the mRNA vaccination rates go up, the number of deaths due to all causes goes up.  We are seeing this happen now all over the world where the vaccines have been/are being given, especially in large numbers.  Many are pinning these deaths on the Covid vaccine.
Can they/we get the word out fast enough to stop these 'vaccines'?  To stop these boosters?  And prevent this genocide.
Some countries are ending, in great part, their mandates, masks, social distancing, etc..even their vaccine makes me wonder if it's because they've reached some magic number, some percentage of the population that was to be vaccinated in the BIGGER PLAN.  They've coerced, threatened, forced as many as possible to get vaccinated.
England has a high percentage of people vaccinated.
Biden isn't doing what Boris Johnson is doing.  He's still pushing mandates across the board - hitting us everywhere he can.  Is this because only some 64% of Americans are vaccinated?  The BIGGER PLAN needs a much higher percentage vaccinated.  The UK has 80% of the population with two shots - and over 36 million have taken the booster/third shot.  (66.7 million people live in the UK.)
God help us!
Dr. Chetty's interview: