Hello John and Doves,
To continue THEIR attacks on anyone who speaks against the 'Biden narrative'..."...today, Joe Biden asks social media companies to crack down on any speech that does not comply with the officially approved government narrative." https://iotwreport.com/biden-asks-social-media-companies-to-crack-down-on-any-vaccine-discussion-that-does-not-comply-with-official-government-narrative/The Biden administration et al are deplatforming, banning, slandering, silencing anyone or any organization that doesn't support this narrative."Mike Lindell announced today that in addition to previously being deplatformed, he has just received notice from Minn Bank & Trust and Heartland Financial that he is being debanked. Their are terminating their relationship with him due to "reputational damage". https://nworeport.me/2022/01/14/mike-lindell-cancelled-by-his-bank-all-accounts-gone/"Following on the heels of the demand from the White House to start blocking content against the interests of the Biden Administration, DirecTV the satellite television communication company now part of the AT&T network, has announced their decision to drop the One America News Network (OANN) channel because OAN is perceived to be supportive of Donald Trump." https://theconservativetreehouse.com/blog/2022/01/14/directv-announces-they-are-cancelling-oan-news-because-of-the-network-political-alignment/"A Maine medical licensing board has temporarily suspended the license of a veteran physician for allegedly spreading "misinformation" about Covid-19 as it conducts a 30-day investigation that will require her to undergo a psychological examination." https://www.wnd.com/2022/01/doctor-forced-undergo-psych-exam-losing-license-covid-misinformation/We had a PA fined $10,000 by the state of Colorado for prescribing Ivermectin for Covid. This was in our news."A new release of emails shows outgoing National Institutes of Health Director Francis Collins asked White House coronavirus adviser Dr. Anthony Fauci to carry out a "quick and devastating published takedown" of the Great Barrington Declaration." "This proposal from three fringe epidemiologists who met the Secretary seems to be getting a lot of attention - and even a co-signature from Nobel Prize winner Mike Leavitt at Standord," Collins wrote on an Oct 8, 2020, email.... " "There needs to be a quick and devastating published takedown of is premises..."'These three "fringe" epidemiologists are Dr. Martin Kulldorf of Harvard, Dr. Jay Bhattacharya of Stanford, and Dr. Sunetra Gupta of Oxford."The Great Barrington Declaration criticizes the universal lockdowns and calls for protection of the most vulnerable in a population and states that "all populations will eventually reach herd immunity..."Fauci condemned this document as "nonsense and very dangerous".https://www.wndnewscenter.org/email-collins-asked-fauci-to-attack-fringe-harvard-stanford-oxford-epidemiologists/So three top epidemiologists - Stanford, Oxfore and Harvard - can not speak their mind on this pandemic...Fauci is the only one who can say anything...remember, He said HE is THE SCIENCE! And he is leading the 'vaccine', the mandates, the medical tyranny.These emails were talked about last week at the Senate Committee meeting that is questioning Fauci, Collins, HHS, etc.Add this to Biden asking companies to ignore the U.S. Supreme Court decision on the OSHA rule - "The Biden Administration has ordered private businesses to ignore the recent Supreme Court decision that vaccine mandates are unconstitutional." He asked employers to enforce the mandate anyway. So even the Supreme Court is being bypassed by this administration!!THEY are attacking anyone that doesn't say what they want them to say. That doesn't do what they want them to do. This is no longer America. It is no longer a free country.This is just another sign of the demonic takeover of America. Their mandates, their censoring social media, their shutting down individuals/companies that don't support their narrative/tyranny, their stopping conservative messages on TV...dismantling the country. Everything that is good about America is being removed, destroyed, censored, banned, silenced.Look how far THEY have come in one year? America is no longer recognizable. It's hard to deny that God has removed His hand of protection from America. We are in judgment. From within and from without.All of us will soon be experiencing extreme shutdowns and censorship. And more and more demonic attacks at our places of employment, at our grocery stores, with our internet access, with our health care, within our own families, etc. It doesn't matter if you are vaccinated or not. Democrat or Republican. A Biden supporter or not. We are all in this judgment together. As Franklin Graham said - the demons of Hell have been unleashed now.And we know how God punished Israel and Judah - from within and from without...turning them over to their perversions and enemies.Prepare for major attacks on America. From within and from without.This is personal.Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!Maranatha!Chance