1 Cor 10:31 (23 Jan 2022)
"Please pray for Jane"

By 1 Cor 10:31

Hey born again, Jesus loving, rapture-bound Christians!!


Will you please take but a moment of your time to whisper this lady’s name to The Throne Room of heaven??  JANE

God knows all about her & all about her circumstances & situation.


Brief summary:  will be homeless in just a matter of days…… older lady, retirement age with NO retirement, pension, alimony, basically nothing to live on short of her very limited paycheck from the big box store.  Her first roommate decided she wanted to live alone so booted her, the 2nd friend offered her to stay for “only 2 weeks”.   She’s been very despondent (obviously).  She’s willing to work – yet she is the “working poor”, who works but does not make enough $ to pay for her own place to stay!  So sad!  Please pray the Lord will provide for her; and that she will not give up on Him!  (she’s questioned Him a lot over the past 2 years).


Again, her name is Jane.  Thank you for praying for her!


Thanks!! Thanks!!


Your reward awaits you.


And boy, oh boy, are we ever so hoping to SEE JESUS THIS YEAR!!!!!!!
