Windham (24 Jan 2021)
"It's The 5th Anniversary of the Controversial Oregon Standoff"

Hi John,

Can the federal government simply decide it "owns" 1/8th of the country?  Does the federal government have this authority or is it left up to the states?  The Bundy brothers and the Oregan Standoff is an interesting case study in not just federal power, but the management of BLM land and just how far a citizen can push the boundaries of the law.

I noticed you mentioned the Organ Standoff on Five Doves specifically right here:

while I was doing some research on the topic and I thought you might be interested in sharing our article we wrote on the topic:

This winter (Jan 2nd - February 11th) marks the 5th anniversary of the standoff in Oregon which was widely publicized at the time.  While the topic is obviously a controversial one, we stayed focused on what actually happened here and the background to how the standoff began.

BLM land is a unique facet of the federal government and most people have no idea just how much land is not privately owned.

No worries if this isn't something you are interested in sharing, it was still a pleasure to make your (virtual) acquaintance and I look forward to hearing from you.

Best regards,
- Windham