Patty Hayes (24 Jan 2021)
"Very sad news rec'd tonight, hard to hear and grieving"

As many of you know, I lived in Houston for many years and became a friend from a ladies' Bible Study when first moved there.  Mamie as the grandkids called her and her own children as well took a decline into Alzheimer's and after moving back here to CA, shortly later she went home to be with the Lord.   I had been her friend, a caregiver and friend to the whole family.  I got to know all of her grandkids and their families.  Mamie had a favored one she invested in whom she felt she could improve his learning ability as found he had dyslexia. She funded the remaining years of his high school and Brian went on to his obtaining over time a Master's degree.  He lived and worked in Arkansas and worked at corporate Walmart and had a stellar career.  The designs of the building of many Walmart's are his.  

I learned through his cousin, Brian was laid off like so many now in this present economy of time.  Brian married a beautiful lady and had children, 3 to be exact and not remember if one or more they adopted.  I know his brother did.   Brian remained closed to his brother, father and mother as they lived near one another. Then a few weeks ago a change occurred and it was as if Brian's whole personality changed, hugely different from this much people personality and caring for others. 

Brian also had back issues that were extreme painful all his life and the pain managed by meds and the like. Brian loved music and for years played with his father and brother in a Christian band. This was a close-knit family and always serving others.  Then just a few short days ago Brian snapped.  His mother called 911 at his house and his father tried to physically protect Brian's wife and kids and was severely injured and hospitalized.  The police in the end had to shoot to kill to keep Brian from rushing them with a huge knife as seen on the news report Police TV cams. So painful to see and am grieving for him and all the family.  His cousin said not sure what happened to completely change this very likeable open and caring man to this dark person.  They are doing a toxicology test to see if meds or abuse of meds occurred or messed with each other.  Not sure of the whys and how he got to this place.

My one things while I am grieving is to remind each other the importance of checking in with one another, How are you feeling and being real about it and talk it out.  We have a incredibly toxic world right now and high emotions running in many directions and this sad loss reminds me to check in and to not grieve alone but to share in my tears of a sad loss of a dear one.   I know some in my email are Pastors or leaders and I strongly urge you to have open dialogue times to be able to freely share feelings, parents to talk with your kids and such.  

Thanks for hearing me out. 
