Mary Adams (17 Jan 2021)
"odd...but interesting"

I LIKE TO PUCHASE THE OLD FARMER’S ALMANAC EACH SPRING.  Lots of interesting things for gardeners and such…..but was set back a bit when I looked at January 13, .(THE DAY THEY IMPEACHED PRESIDENT TRUMP.


 It had this:  ’St.Hilary, followed by the symbol of a TOTAL BLACK new moon”.  I didn’t know anything,  so looked up the :”St, Hilary” and found it concerned a certain Catholic saint, a male person, once put into exile for his writings around 400 AD or so at the time the Roman Empire was taking over the world.


 I am not Catholic, nor into astrology.  But the wise men who visited Bethlehem long ago must have been observing a certain star and knew what it signified


 Myself, I look for a certain cloud. Any day now…

