Mary (3 Jan 2021)
"Chinese Journalist arrested and jailed for 4 years - check out her "crime.""

Look what happens to this Chinese journalist when she reports on the pandemic but doesn't say what the government wants her to say...

The journalist – 37-year-old Zhang Zhan, – was convicted on charges of “picking quarrels and provoking trouble” – an offense commonly weaponzied by the Chinese government against dissidents and human rights activists.

Her reporting, however, was at odds with Chinese Communist Party-pushed narratives on the outbreak, which leaked documents reveal a massive, orchestrated campaign to spread disinformation regarding the virus.

We need to realize that unless Trump gets back in, Free Speech is gone in this country.

Facebook, Twitter, and Google are censoring conservatives and the Democratic party wants more of it. I reported to you a few weeks ago that a United States Senate hearing contained Democrats telling Facebook and Twitter to do MORE censoring.
