John B (31 Jan 2021)
"The love of the truth.......NOT Available / OUT of STOCK"




Below is a copy of an email answer to a close friend of mine named Ron that I would like to share with you.  Ron had just sent me a disturbing article about covid, about the baseball legend Hank Aaron, and all the lies and half truths that our evil controllers in this world are dispensing. The quantity and quality of these daily falsehoods is becoming almost overwhelming.


Also I had just had a very disturbing phone call from my best friend of 50 years. I was “venting” a little in my response to Ron and I wondered if you Doves have or are experiencing the same person-to-person frustrations that I expressed in my reply to Ron??


The bible says families and friends (friendships) will be severed (split down the middle) in this era of “perilous times”.  Are you Doves witnessing the same severing of your families and friendships over what’s going on in the world...........whether it be politics (Trump), health issues (covid), or whatever ??? 


My reply to Ron.....




The present day “disingenuous umbrella” that we live under is beyond frightening........ as was demonstrated in the Hank Aaron episode / article that you brought up.

Truth is like rare rare gold in this arena we presently live in.


I just got off the phone with my best (hunting, fishing, golf) buddy of 50 years who has been like an ostrich when it comes to politics or world events or spiritual things or whatever. He buries his head and doesn’t want to confront reality because it might upset him.....and that’s been OK because his neutral posture was / has been completely non-confrontational. But for whatever reason all that has appears he has suddenly drunk massive quantities of the poison Kool-Aide and is now a rabid anti-Trump hater per our (shocking to me) conversation on the phone this morning. And the worse part.....I am now looked on by him as a conspiracy believing Trump kook .......someone to be shunned.  Someone who travels in those false “independent” media circles filled with loney conspiracy theories.


He won’t even entertain the idea that Trump should be able to present his election defense evidence to the courts.........a rock solid right all Americans have (have had). 20 states of the union were also disallowed / denied their ability to petition the courts / government for redress of election fraud. And again, that’s perfectly ok with my buddy of 50 years.........this greatly distresses me that he and untold millions of Americans feel this way after being subjected to 4 years of the demonic MSM professing Trump as a monster......... and anyone who follows him as a retard or worse.


My buddy even declared Trump was (and still is) in complete collusion with the Russians........even after Trump was completely exonerated from 4 years of those charges. 


The bible basically says that earth is Satan’s playpen and that he, Satan, is the master of lies and deceit. Well....I got a full dose of that this morning from my best friend who has gone completely over to the dark side.


I have another good friend who I tried to council on the dangers of the new synthetic experimental vaccines (which have never been approved by the FDA) that have already killed 181 people in the US........death by lethal injection.  I sent him several hard hitting articles about these unproven dangerous vaccines in an effort to at least warn him. Guess what.....he banned / blocked me on his email account. Again, I am somehow labeled a kook......someone to avoid.


I told my wife that a small part of me wants these people I tried to warn to become sick from the an    “I told you so” moment........(bad on me).


I am losing friends and relatives by trying to shed light on blatantly false political, medical, and spiritual issues.  After drinking years or decades of “the poison Kool-Aide propaganda” administered by our media services very few people have any real discernment left............ and couldn’t be bothered to find any.  A passage from Matthew immediately comes to my mind......


“Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who will go by it. Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it.” 


How would you define few? ......2 out of 10?

I see fewer and fewer people even able to think rationally or even taking the time to seek out any level of truth. They just belly up to the trough of lies from MSM for their daily dose of indoctrination.


Paul said in 2 Thessalonians....


.....the coming of the lawless one is according to the working of Satan, with all power, signs, and lying wonders, and with all unrighteous deception among those who perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth, that they might be saved.

......And for this reason God (Himself) will send them strong delusion, that they should believe the lie (lies), that they all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness.


So basically all those who poo-pooed the bible and it’s truth and refuse to in any way seek out the truth of what’s happening in Satan’s worldwide playpen..... will fall, will fail......will fall not only into Satan’s trap but will also answer to God’s disgust of them, where He will also give them over (condemn them)............He gives them over because they refused to believe or seek any truth (the love of the truth) but swaddled or immersed themselves in unrighteous deception. They also promoted it and as God said....took pleasure in doing so..  So this is the reality, the greatest reason (in my opinion) why only a few (from this era) will find the narrow path that leads to life and salvation. They with their God given free will.......will decide to chose lies over truth.


I am discouraged.... I feel like I am trying to throw life jackets to drowning people.......... and these people reject them........ casting them back at me, along with their middle finger.

And they want no part in trying to validate (truth seek)  why I would do such a thing.  And they also (now) want to also...... shoot the messenger.  


Sorry Ron for this long dissertation / answer to your email but I needed to vent a little.


Are you in the same boat I am in with your friends and relatives or do you keep your discernment to yourself to avoid the conflict that it now creates ??



Blessings Doves.......John B