Jim (3 Jan 2021)
"Gino: RE: Passover, Pentecost, and Tabernacles"

As always, that was amazing!
How many years have you been studying and writing like this?


Thanks for your feedback. For me, it all started on February 6, 1999. I was sitting on my bed praying and the Lord spoke to me in a loud voice. He said, “Tell them that I love them. Tell them that I care. Tell them that I am coming for them. Prepare, like a man who has been told he has just a short time to live. Heal, forgive, and perform those acts of charity that you have been putting off. Tell everyone that I am coming soon for My bride.”

At this point, He said, “What do you see?” I looked down at the pattern on the bed. It was a pattern of budding flowers.

He said, “Open yourself up to praise Me…receive My love…stretch yourself out to Me”.  After that, He said: “My reward is with Me”.

Then I said: “Lord, give me a sign in the heavens or on the earth, so that they will know that this word is from You!” Then I saw a vision of an arm, up to the shoulder, with a gun in its hand. The gun fired two times. The arm was pointing downward. The Lord said: “There will be two shots fired that will be heard around the world. This is a sign, so they will believe that this word proceeded from My throne.”

After He left, I quickly wrote down what happened so that I would have a record of this message. I sent the message to many churches and ministries, but it was mostly ignored. I went on with my life.

In September of 2001, I saw the terrorist attack on the Twin Towers in New York City. I knew then that the Lord confirmed His word. The Lord is coming very soon! 

Since then, I have been using what I call " prophetic analysis" to understand and write about end times events. About forty percent of the Bible was prophetic when it was written, therefore, the student of the Bible must study prophecy or neglect a vast part of the Scriptures.

In prophetic analysis, I look at the key people and current events from a multidimensional perspective. Biblical prophetic analysis requires a thorough understanding  of the Old and New Testament, Jewish customs, history, economics, geopolitics, and semiotics. A correct understanding of the sequence and timing of key End Time events is necessary. I monitor current events world-wide, using multiple sources. I track patterns and upticks of End Times categories, comparing them to specific prophecies. 

Hopefully, my career in writing will be over soon, and we will all be together in New Jerusalem.

