F.M. Riley (3 Jan 2021)



                                                  By Pastor F. M. Riley

                                                  December 27, 2020

     “For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences,and earthquakes in divers places.

     All these are the beginning of sorrows” Matthew 24;7-8.

    Therefore I will shake the heavens, and the earth shall remove out of her place, in the wrath of the Lord of hosts, and in the day of His fierce anger,” Isaiah 13:13.  


    The Lord also  prophesied in Luke 21:25 that there will be “signs” in the Sun, the Moon, and the Stars.  At that same time the nations will be in great distress, not knowing how to solve their problems.  All of these predicted “signs” have come to pass, or are happening right now as I write.  This certainly includes the “distress of nations, with perplexity.” 

    But for the purposes of  this study, the last “sign” the Lord mentioned in atthew 24:7 was……



     As I was reading Matthew 24:7  once more, as I have read it many times in the past, suddenly the thought came to me, “Why did the Lord list earthquakes as the last “sign” in this inspired passage?”  As I meditated on this thought, the Holy Spirit opened up the truth of it to me, exactly as the Lord promised in John 16:13.  The Lord mentioned earthquakes last in our text verse, because it will be…….



    In connection with the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the “firstfruits” of His resurrection, there was a great earthquake, Matthew 28:1-2.  This great earthquake not only opened the tomb of the Lord Jesus, but it also opened the graves of the “firstfruit”  saints at Jerusalem, Matthew 27:50-53.  By carefully comparing these inspired passages, this great earthquake apparently began the day Christ was crucified, and the aftermath of it came three days and three nights later when Christ arose out from among the dead.  Glory to G0d! 

    Notice that It is clearly stated that the saints which arose, came out of their graves after the Lord’s resurrection.   Those “firstfruit” saints went into the city of Jerusalem, and visibly appeared to many people.  What a glorious proof of  a future bodily resurrection of


all true believers when Christ comes again to receive His church and believing people to Himself, exactly as He promised in John 14:3. .  Praise the Lord!

     Now it should be glaringly obvious to our readers, that since there was a great earthquake which opened the tomb of Christ Jesus, and of His saints in Jerusalem, this is probably why Christ prophesied that there will be “earthquakes in divers places” just preceding, or in connection with, “the beginning of sorrows.”   These are the “sorrows” which will come upon those LEFT BEHIND on the earth following the resurrection and rapture of all true believer, 

    Dear readers, we who are true believers will not enter into , the “sorrows” on those LEFT BEHIND on the earth following the rapture, 1 Thessaloniand 4:13-18; 5:9-10.


    The great earthquake which will occur in connection with the resurrection and rapture of all true believers, will  be a WORLD WIDE earthquake.  Why do I make this claim?  Because, during the 2,000 years of this Dispensation of Grace, the bodies of true believers have been buried all over the earth in many or all nations.  So it will be during this great earthquake that the bodies of deceased believers, buried all over the earth,  will be resurrected.  Glory to God!


    This is why I felt led of the Lord to write this study.  It is a


final warning to every lost unbeliever who reads it.  RUN, RUSH, HURRY, to receive the Lord Jesus as your own personal

Savior while you still have time  to be saved.  There is only- DAYS, or perhaps even HOURS until the Lord comes to resurrect and rapture His church and believing people to glory in Heaven above.  You will either seek and receive the Lord NOW for salvation, or you will be LEFT BEHIND at the rapture.  The choice is yours!  But if you choose to reject Christ, and “take your chances,”  I want to set before our readers, just a little of what those LEFT BAHIND will face following the rapture.

   The great earthquake at the time of the rqapture, is just the first one of many which will follow.  A careful study of the prophecies makes it clear that earthquakes will continue throughout the seven years of the tribulation period, ending with the greatest earthquake in human history, as recorded in Revelation 16:18-21.  The effects from these quakes will begin at the time of the rapture, and will continue throughout the seven years of the tribulation, becoming worse and worse as time passes. 


    When the first great earthquake occurs at the time of the resurrection and rapture…..

…..Every dam, bridge, and overpass on the earth will be destroyed by the quake. This will cause  massive flooding all over the earth, and bring a  halt to travel all over the earth. 


…..Due to the loss of the dams producing electricity, and the terrible destruction all over the earth, the electrical grid systems on the earth will be destroyed, and electrical power will never be restored.

  …..All manufacturing of consumer goods will cease, as thousands of factories and businesses will be destroyed, or close, never to be reopened.  Millions of people will lose their jobs, and never find employment again.   

…..The entire world economic system will collazpse, and money will become worthless. 

…..World wide famine will begin, for without electric  power no crops can be planted nor harvested, and no food can be processed or delivered.  Illions of people will die of starvation. 

…..All forms of man-made transportation will cease, for without electric power, no oil or gas can be pumped from the earth beneath, nor processed by the closed or destroyed oil refinerys.  A horse will become a valuable asset to those who are able to obtain one.

‘’’’’The inspired prophecy in Isaiah 13:13 explicitly states that the earth will be  moved out of it’s present position in the solar system.  This will not only change the climate of the earth, but will also cause the earth to be subjected to extreme heat as it is moved clo wser to the Sun.  Isaiah 30:26; Malachi 4:1.


…..Due to the extreme heat, and no electricity for cooling


    I could go on and on writing about what is prophesied to occur during the seven years of the swiftly approaching tribulation period.  But I have written enough to warn and convince any reader who is willing to receive and believe the truths set forth in God’s Word. 

     If the reader is a true believer, “Look up!”  Our deliverance from this present evil world is only days or perhaps even hours away, Galatians 1:4. 

    If the reader is still a lost unbeliever, you have only a few days or hours to get your heart and soul ready to meet the Lord when He comes to rescue and rapture His people out of this world of wickedness and evil.  If any reader refuses to believe God’s Word, and prepare to meet the Lord in the air, then Ihe Lord has enabled me to describe the world you will SOON be entering.  And you will need more than GOOD LUCK to even survive the great earthquake that will announce  the

Arrival of Him who is “the resurrection and the life,” John 11:25-26.   Now read John 3:1-18, Romans 10:8-13, and Ephesians 2:8-10.  Act upon these Scriptures in sincere prayer to the Lord, and you will be saved. 

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