Fay (31 Jan 2021)
"Important link to Natan's  Prophetic Testimony."

Hi John and Doves,

Remember Natan re-telling what he was shown in heaven re Iran and an atomic bomb? That said bomb WILL be sent and will target two cities. Tel Aviv and Haifa.

Now, read this article and watch Natan's words come to life. There is no way Natan could have made this up or even been remotely aware of Iran's nuclear capabilities, back in 2015.


PS:- Natan was absolutely confident that Obama is Gog. No hesitation whatsoever. With the recent election in America, plus watching some of the cringe inducing video clips of Biden struggling to string a coherent sentence together - it is not a stretch to suspect a shadowy Obama operating the puppet strings. I notice Obama making it into the news rather a lot nowadays !