Fay (3 Jan 2021)
"Amir Tsarfati - Important Message"


Forgive me, Doves. This frustrated the heck out of me. Amir covers all the military manoeuvres and the politics etc. He then goes on to preaching about our blessed hope and how we are to look to Jesus. However - never once does he touch on how blasphemous the Abraham Accords are. Why this world has entered into judgement. Why President Trump has been (for now) toppled. Why Bibi is also facing political uncertainty. Why this world has been plunged into the threat of a plague. Plus violence, uncertainty, poverty etc.

Never once does Amir allude to the scriptures that FORBID any political negotiation over the land of Israel. Particularly Jerusalem. Never once does Amir concede that we are ALL suffering because Israel is not obeying Almighty God. And is being prodded, pushed and shoved into making "peace" with Islam. A phoney, blasphemous, idol worshipping, throat-cutting religion. A "peace treaty" that would have the Temple Mount being shared with their god, Allah??? Have we all forgotten how JEALOUS our Father God is? Have we ALL forgotten our instructions from scripture? Are we now ALL prone to compromising Almighty God?

I am not exaggerating. We are all under judgement now. Almighty God will not be compromised. And our time clock? Israel.
