Fay (3 Jan 2021)
"Re A Promised Land."


I picked up this link off the Rapture Ready website. It's a very good article on Obama's new book....A Promised Land. I snorted with such contempt while reading - my coffee erupted through my nose!

It got me thinking though. The real "baddies" seem to be living the life of riley. As in the Obama's. They appear to be sailing through life with delusional thoughts about their great selves. With pots of cash in hand - they are photographed on jet ski's - holidaying in Hawaii. Grrrrrrrrr. It has become pretty clear that Obama is emerging back onto the world stage. This cannot be denied.

In the meantime - everyone else is going down. For example, the BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation) recently called Jesus a "dark skinned Palestinian" in a new documentary. The very next day - the UK plunged into even further Covid catastrophe. We are now being threatened with Tier 5 (how many 'Tier's are there?). Our schools are unlikely to open and our retailers are going down the tube. The UK has suffered dreadful floods. These are continuing and show no sign of abating. Hundreds of thousands of people are affected. Coincidence?

Israel has gone into another lock-down and their government has collapsed. If you follow the on-going "peace process" and talk of dividing Jerusalem - the picture becomes very clear.

America is going through a major political crisis. Her debt is monstrous. The "fear factor" is alive and well for her people. In fact - it's almost similar to what Israel is going through. Uncertainty about who is going to rule their countries. Left wing banditry in abundance. Lashings of Covid quarantines. Threats of war. Israel is afraid of attacks from enemies surrounding them. So too does America fear attacks from enemies. China, Russia etc.

Interesting fact: - Benny Gantz recently said that Jerusalem has room for a Palestinian capital as well. In the JPost today - they are predicting Gantz's political downfall. See the 2nd link.

This world is suffering the fall-out from everyone meddling with Israel. The consequences are increasing with each "meddle". Things are getting worse and worse. In fact - we can almost sit back and wait for a disaster when we hear someone denigrating or meddling with Israel. As for the Obama's and the lefties - they are part of the punishments and storms that Almighty God is allowing. Because of the Abraham Accords. This "peace deal" is what has toppled President Trump. The media are making him a laughing stock.

Almighty God wants Israel and his chosen people to trust in Him and Him alone. The Bible is replete with such examples. If they refused to trust Him (which happened often) they were punished. When they did trust Him - they were victorious. Instead of trusting God and believing the Torah - Israel's leaders have chosen to trust a dodgy "peace process" - relying on American military might to protect them from their enemies.

And, the show goes on. It HAS to end soon.

Maranatha, LORD Jesus.

