Fay (24 Jan 2021)
"The Political Class. Deep Questions for Christians."


I am guilty of focusing on Israel re the end times - expecting Israel to shoulder the burden of ignorance about their Messiah Jesus and being partially blinded etc. Thus bringing on the end of days.

Has this train of thought turned me into an observer rather than a partaker of life? Comfortable in my eventual rescue while doing nothing for my fellow man?

I have escaped being whipped to smithereens by the Egyptians - working day and night as a slave, building the pyramids. I have escaped the dreadful pogroms of Russia and then Spain. I escaped the cruelty of Hitler and I escaped being a German in Hitler's Germany. To this day - ordinary Germans bear the deep, scarring shame of WW2. It is a burden that will never leave them. First hand - I can testify that the ordinary German people of today, are beautiful. Hard working, meticulous and kind. They are deeply ashamed and embarrassed by Germany's past.

Without appearing to be a coward - I don't believe our LORD expects me to take up arms and form a rebellion against the current powers-that-be. I don't believe the LORD even expects me to send funds to these groups. What our LORD expects is for everyone to throw their hands up and say "We need you, LORD Jesus". "We are hopeless without you". Which is the unadulterated truth. Especially when it comes from Israel.

Our LORD promises to appear when He sees that Israel's power is gone. Israel will be on her knees. Begging for her LORD and Saviour. Ezekiel 38 explains this coming (and soon) war.

Until then - we can continue praying our hearts out. Writing to our fellow Christians. Waiting - hoping -praying.
