Fay (17 Jan 2021)
"While Reading..."


I began reading this article with the mind of a Christian. Covered by the redeeming blood of the Lamb. Our LORD Jesus. And, it is enough. Truly - it is enough for salvation. No works or human effort can achieve this state. I know many who feel that they have to be proactive in order to prove themselves in some way. That this "proactiveness" will, somehow, guarantee their salvation. Jesus changes us. The Holy Spirit changes us. Our works should be out of love. Not out of scoring salvation points. Sheer belief is what counts. Period.

While reading this article, I realised something truly profound. Although we have the incredible gift of the Holy Spirit - our belief and love of Jesus Christ - there is also something so deep about Almighty God's relationship with His chosen people. The Jewish people. It goes beyond depths. The Jewish believers explore depths that we blessed Christians don't feel the need to explore. There is something so deeply profound about Almighty God's relationship with the Jewish people. Something that we Christians are not privy to. Yet.

As the Jewish people have been blinded, in part, as to the Messiah - we Christians are a tad ignorant as to the deep relationship Almighty God has with His chosen. It is different. Unique. It's harder and harsher. And it is there in order to teach the rest of us a lesson. Israel is a scapegoat, in a way.
