Fay (10 Jan 2021)
"Judgement is Here"


Hi John and Doves,

My prayers and heartfelt sorrow are with our American cousins. The debacle on January 6th was heart breaking. A sorrowful end to a last gasp attempt to bring back Christian American values. Please believe that the shock and repercussions are being felt all over the world. Ignore the mainstream media. Very few are happy about this result. We are not deaf, dumb and blind. The total idiocy of electing a political party that encourages galloping abortion numbers. Pushes the gender bending rubbish. Promotes transgender as the holy grail etc. The years under Obama were dark....and those dark times are back.

Take heart, Doves. The worse it gets here on earth - the sooner our LORD is returning. It appears that the wicked spiritual forces are being unleashed. Rabbi G names the chief dark angel as Samael. Amalek too. Amalek is the chief dark angel of the Amalekites. It is these wicked forces who have power over the evil politics of this world.

What is meant for evil - Almighty God always uses for good. Millions will turn to Christ as a result of what is soon coming.

In the link is an article from JPost about an "alleged" strike, by Israeli forces, on Damascus, Syria. Things are revving up. Perilous times are here.

Our LORD Jesus is nearly here. Maranatha, LORD Jesus.
