Fay (10 Jan 2021)
"Facing Reality"


Once again, I liken our current situation to a spouse who is unwilling to face the mounting evidence against his/her partner. The spouse does not want to face that he/she has been betrayed in every shape and form. Self imposed blindness. This is the situation with our world. The media keep pushing an evil agenda and the betrayed spouse chooses to believe that agenda - rather than the truth. The truth is cruel and harder to acknowledge. Harder to confront. Harder work too!

In the UK, we have a less aggressive media than our American cousins. Less aggressive in print, at least. The UK media is a little more subtle. They pick their target and begin their campaign with whispers, rather than threats. The fake "shock horror" over Pres. Trump's supporter's alleged behaviour on January 6th, is very telling. I always scroll down to the "comment" section to ascertain what real people are thinking. More and more, I see regular commentators complaining that their comments have been deleted or not printed.

A huge amount of people know we are being lied to. I live in a tiny village not far from London. Pre Covid, I would hear the distant wails of ambulance sirens nearly every single day. Being near London - you can imagine how well populated my area is. Ambulance sirens were par for the course. Since Covid - especially now, in January 2021 - I hardly ever hear ambulance sirens. Hardly ever! There is still traffic on the roads. It still stands to reason that ambulances would have to use their sirens to cut through the traffic. My point is that a well publicised "pandemic" would have ambulance sirens going off every few minutes. OR - we would know of more people, in our own circles, who have actually contracted Covid. I don't know of a single person who has contracted Covid. How WEIRD is that? In the midst of a so-called "pandemic".

The article in the link shows how people are protesting against the loss of our freedoms. This current situation should be mobilising everybody. But, it's still just the few. By the time people fully wake-up - it will be almost too late. If not for Jesus.

Maranatha, LORD Jesus.
