Elliot Hong (24 Jan 2021)
"80 Days from Cheshvan 17 and 40 Days from December 17"

Dear Doves:

Since I'm emailing this letter to John on 1/23 from Asia, I don't know what will occur on 1/23 in US.
As I suggested in the previous letter, I still believe that 1/23 could be the important day.
The US Election Day was Cheshvan 17 of Genesis 7:11.
We all know that it's not a coincidence.
It's 80 (40x2) days from Cheshvan 17 last year to 1/23.
And the center of 80 days is 12/14 which is the center of 2 solar eclipses of 8/21/17 and 4/8/24. 
The Epiphany is the center between the Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn and 1/23.
And it's 17 days from the Epiphany to 1/23, and 17 means Victory and is the number of 153.

When I watched the Inauguration of Biden, I thought that he could be used as a tool to usher ac to come back to power.
As I mentioned in the letter of 1/3, when I checked in 444prophecynews on 12/26, the 2 months old message came on. 
It's the message that Biden will fall due to a hemorrhage stroke, but I thought that a foul play might be involved.
Amazingly, on 1/22, Cryptic1 received the message concerning to Biden.
And we know that Dana Coverstone had a dream seeing a casket of Biden with the date of December 17.
It's 40 days from 12/17/20 to 1/26 which is the day before Tu B'Shevat, the New Year of Trees.
40 means Trial, Test and Probation.
Tu B'Shevat is the full moon of the 11th month, and a full moon has dual meaning of Judgment and Glory.
Byron Searle received the message "Judgment and Glory come at the same time."
I read the letter saying that the Trump's 4 years can be interpreted for the Parable of the barren fig tree of Luke 13:6-9.
It reminded me of Matthew 7:17-20.
"Likewise, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad
  tree cannot bear good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. Thus, by their
  fruit you will recognize them" 
And it makes sense that good trees begin the good works of harvest from the New Year of Trees.
It's 8 days from 1/20 to 1/27, and 8 means New Birth and New Beginning.
Tu B'Shevat is the 11th full moon from Passover.
It's the 10th full moon from Pesach Sheni.
It's the 7th full moon from Tu B'Av which prophetically pictures the Marriage of the Lamb.
Barbara received the message on 1/22 "Sudden Destruction and Judgment is upon the earth."
Hisforgiven1 received the message on 1/20 "The lull and peace before the storm has come to an end."
