Doug L (10 Jan 2021)
"Those invited must purify themselves and not wait to be purified."

Let us be glad and rejoice and honor Him (the Lord who is God) For the time has come for the wedding feast of the Lamb (who was slain-Jesus) AND.... His bride has "made herself" ready. (she is prepared to go)
THEREFORE....She is permitted to wear the "finest" white linen. (finest linen - the righteous deeds "done"... completed by God's people) Blessed are those who are invited....... (those invited must... prepare themselves) "These are true words that come from God." Revelation 19:7-9

Jacob (Israel) told everyone in..... "his household,"
Get rid of all your pagan idols, "purify yourselves", and put on clean clothing. (Do not wait until you are made to be purified - by fire)
Genesis 35:2

I will bring "that group" through the fire (God's judgment) and make them pure. Just as gold and silver are refined and made pure.
They will call upon My name and I will answer them.. I will say, 'These are My people,' and they will say, 'The Lord is our God." (Zechariah 13:)
(Therefore)......."purify yourselves", and prepare to help those who come. "Purify yourselves", and purify the Temple of the LORD, the God of your ancestors. Remove all the defiled things from the sanctuary. (2 Chronicles)