Chance (24 Jan 2021)
"The Communist Coup - It's Coming!"

Hello John and Doves,

There are a few still hoping that Good and Truth will prevail in America, and God will oust the liars and cheaters from their place of power in America.  Putting Trump back in as lawful president. Maybe the U.S. Military has a Plan B?  God can do anything.  His will.  For His glory.
And I hear some saying that 'God will not forsake America, He will not turn her over to judgment - He has blessed America and will continue to bless America - she is a Christian nation. He will not remove His hand."  Do they not recall what the Jews thought about their Temple and the Holy city Jerusalem?:  'God will not allow His Temple to be destroyed or His people scattered!'  They did not believe the prophets!  God promised He would exile His people from the land if they turned from Him and He would cause the Temple to be razed to the ground.  They deluded themselves that the sins of their nation would not count against their nation.
If there is not a Plan B, and God does not turn a blind eye to America's sins... for now, surely this will take us right into the Tribulation with Biden and the Democrats at the helm.
The "purge and reeducation" is coming.  How much of this purge and reeducation will Christians go through before the Rapture?  This isn't just happening in America - this is happening in other countries and will happen all over the world.  As satan and his minions take over setting the stage for the Antichrist to take power.  For the final battle for men's souls.
The Purge and Reeducation - How Radicals Are Quickly Implementing a Communist Coup of America
"The Purge and Reeducation - How Radicals Are Quickly Implementing a Communist Coup of America!  "The ruling Elite decides you are wrong, you are to be punished, and you have no option but submit!  And so, I make the tragic announcement:  We are walking into the "killing fields" of the 21st Century!"  (quote from above article)
This is exactly what is happening in America.  And THEY are moving QUICKLY!  They have no time to waste - everything needs to be ready, prepared for the 'final days'.  Satan is moving.  His minions are doing his bidding. God, so far, has not stopped any of this.
I believe, we are in the countdown - not in years - but in weeks or months - to the the start of The Tribulation.
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!
Come quickly, Lord!

Luke 21:36


Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man.